精華區beta KITCHAN 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.mtvasiaawards.com/Asia/Profile/KitChan.htm Unarguably one of the most established local singers, Kit Chan is often dubbed as Singapore's "national treasure" for good reasons. Since her debut in 1993, she has proven herself in many diversified areas -- singing, theatre, television drama, poetry, song writing, community work, etc. In 1994, a time when Singaporean singers were still relatively unknown and not as highly regarded in the Mandarin music scene, Kit hit the Taiwanese market with the album Heartache. Through hard work, determination and perseverance, she went on to cement her position in Taiwan as a steady and smooth singer; and this has put her among the ranks of pioneers who paved the way for other local recording artistes' debut in Taiwan. Community wise, Kit was appointed by the National Youth Council (NYC) as their first Youth Ambassador in 1999 and also for next three consecutive years. In 2001, she was also invited by the NYC to become its Council Member, which involves her in periodic meetings to discuss and offer suggestions to issues pertaining to the youth in Singapore. To encourage youths to put their compassion into action, Kit also worked with World Vision (a non-profit international relief and development agency with a vision of a world without hunger, disease, and hopelessness). Together, they led a group of Singaporean youths in building latrines and a playground for a primary school in Cambodia. Further, she took part in a 30-hour fast and performed at the 30-Hour Famine Youth Camp 2000. Beyond our shores, Kit is World Vision's first and only artiste to visit the famine areas of Ethiopia. This visit was subsequently made into a documentary to bring attention to the plight of the needy and less fortunate. Kit now sponsors two Ethiopian children and they have shown marked progress in both health and academic studies since her sponsoring. When not in the limelight, the quiet side of Kit pens poems and she became a published poet in 2000 when she released a compilation of her poems titled I Write A Page. A Mandarin edition titled Xiang Ru Fei Fei, translated by multi-talented local songwriter Liang Wern Fook was also subsequently published, adding yet another feather to her cap. Through the years, Kit has matured to become the successful young woman she is today. Confident, inspiring, well poised and versatile -- that's Kit. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: duffy 來自: (11/01 17:10) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: klar (Kit/Dreamscape) 站內: KITCHAN 標題: Re: MMA Artist Profile-Kit Chan 時間: Fri Nov 1 18:01:42 2002 無庸置疑的,陳潔儀是最為人熟識的本地歌手之一,也因為一些很好的表現 被暱稱為新加坡的「國寶歌手」。自從一九九三年出道以來,她以各方領域 成就來證明自己--歌唱、舞台劇表演、電視劇、詩作、歌曲創作、社會工 作等。 一九九四年,當新加坡歌手在華語音樂市場還是默默無名並且不被高度重視 的時候,潔儀以她的國語專輯「心痛」在台灣激起了廣大迴響。因為認真工 作、決心以及不屈不撓的精神,她在台灣確立了鮮明的定位,一個穩定及溫 文有禮的歌手;這也同時使得她在不同的層次上,成為本地唱片歌手在台灣 的開路先鋒。 潔儀也相當具有社會意識,一九九九年就被全國青年議會指定為第一任青年 大使,也是連續三年的代言人。二○○一年她也受邀成為全國青年議會的會 員,而使她必須定期參加會議,針對新加坡青少年議題討論並且提供建議。 為了鼓勵年輕人將同情心化為行動,潔儀同時也和世界展望會(非營利的國 際急難救助組織,希望能夠展望一個沒有飢餓、疾病及絕望的世界【K註:新 加坡稱世界宣明會)合作。他們一起帶領新加坡的年輕人為柬埔寨的小學建立 公共廁所及遊樂場。除此之外,她也參與「飢餓三十」,並且是第一個也是唯 一一個在二○○○年的「青年飢餓三十活動營」中表演的藝人。在我們的家鄉 以外,潔儀是世界展望會第一個也是唯一一個拜訪衣索比亞【K註:新加坡譯 :埃塞俄比亞--此當然是指新加坡的狀況,表示潔儀不只關心東南亞地區】飢 荒地帶的藝人。這次有著正式紀錄的拜訪,吸引了人們去注意困乏及不幸。潔 儀現在資助兩個衣索比亞小孩,因為她的贊助,他們不論在健康或正式教育都 有顯著的進步。 不在鎂光燈下時,安靜的潔儀寫詩,二○○○年的時候成為一個出版詩人,發 行了一本名為「I Write a Page」的詩作精選。中文名稱為「想入飛飛」,由 多才多藝的本地創作人梁文福翻譯,為她自己添上新一筆耀眼的成就。 經過這些年,潔儀成熟了,成為她現在這樣一位成功的年輕女性。自信、鼓舞 人心的、總是準備好的,以及多才多藝的--就是陳潔儀。 -- 這是我這兩年看到最好的介紹文章,忍不住就手癢翻譯了一下,有翻錯請見教。 -- Sabine/duffy陳潔儀虛擬世界三連發 批踢踢實業坊telnet://ptt.cc 等了又等●唯有陳潔儀KITCHAN版 就是陳潔儀!Yahoo!奇摩家族http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/KITCHAN Lonesome Dreamer Theatre 有你愛過Kithttp://www.kitchan.twmail.cc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: