精華區beta KITCHAN 關於我們 聯絡資訊
所以有事沒事就要問她意見? 今天新加坡海峽時報關於孫燕姿的電話訪問 最後談到SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY 並訪問各界意見 裡面唯一一位歌手就是陳潔儀 還有訪問許環良 節錄如下 'Maybe it's the trend now, everything moves so fast. By the time you take your computer out of the box, it's obsolete. But seriously, as an artiste, I'm not sure I would agree that this is good for us. She is holding up. Amazing!' - Homegrown songbird Kit Chan, one of the first few to make it big in Taiwan in the 1990s 'It's a tough market situation now. Piracy, the fast-food consuming trend, the figure-oriented structure of international recording companies ... all these lead to the fast turnover rate of the music industry.' - Producer Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies, who is Kit Chan's mentor 全文請至 http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/life/story/0,1870,115524,00.html? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: