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http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/npfo626.html Girl talk: Celest, Kit & Tanya BY CHANG MAY CHOON Feb 16, 2002 DID you know that veteran songbird Kit Chan wears a black G-string with silver stars for luck? Or that tough rock chick Tanya Chua is a ditzy bimbo in disguise, and Channel U star Celest Chong is really a closet electronics geek? We didn't, until we rounded up the three homegrown singers for a girl talk session by the sea at One Fullerton recently. Kit, 29, and Tanya, 27 - whose friendship dates back three years - clicked like peas in a pod. One moment they were teasing each other mercilessly. The next, they were helping each other to complete sentences like they could read each other's minds. They even went to the restroom together, and ganged up to brush aside questions about their love life. Their similar background probably helped, like how they both struggled with Mandarin in their early days of singing because of their English-speaking upbringing. They even fought over whose Mandarin was more horrid. Tanya's winning confession: "Once I went on TV and introduced myself, 'How are you? I'm Cai Jian Ya (her Chinese name).' Then I was stuck and couldn't go on!" Kit jumped in and teased: "But that's a bimbo's problem!" While they goofed around and burst into girlish giggles, Celest, 27, was mostly quiet, perhaps out of respect. They all belong to the same record label, Universal Music. Being the last to jump onto the singing bandwagon, it seemed tough for her to break into the strong camaraderie between her seniors. Once in a while, Kit and Tanya would remember their big sister roles and help Celest when she was stumped. Here's the gist of their 20 minutes of silly girl talk: Tell us one thing about yourself we don't already know. Tanya: (with a smug grin) I can do headstands without the support of the wall! (The other two cooed: "Wow!") Kit: I'm going home to do spring cleaning in this glamourous makeup. I'll make sure my neighbours all see it, because it's really nice and I don't want to take it off. Tanya (on Celest who's stumped): She eats all this raw stuff, like sea urchins. That's gross! After that I saw her in a different light... haha... Any other surprises you found out about one another? Kit (on Tanya): I've always thought that she's intelligent, but surprisingly, she has a ditzy bimbo streak too. Tanya: (laughing) Actually I'm a goofball with all my friends. It's just that I look very tough when I don't smile. What products do you think each of you should endorse? Kit: Hair products for Celest, because her hair is a big part of her. Tanya: Kit should endorse lingerie, because she's pretty ample... Kit: Oh yeah, I love lingerie. I have a black G-string with silver stars. It's my lucky underwear, and it works. I always wear it for big shows, like my concerts. For Tanya, I think she should do some rock chick stuff... Tanya: (groaning in mock exasperation) Aiyah, I thought you'd say something nice about my fingers! What's the most expensive item you've ever bought? Celest: Electronic products. I'd rather spend $800 on electronic stuff than to go shopping (for clothes). I'm going to buy a Mac Titanium PowerBook G4 (laptop). It costs about $4,000. Kit: My condo. It's a lot of money (but she won't say how much). Tanya: My $5,000 keyboard. I bought it without blinking an eye! If your best friend steals your boyfriend, how will you exact revenge? Kit: I'll attack his... (starts giggling uncontrollably) integrity. I'd say some mean things about him in front of her, which will lower him in her eyes. Then she'll dump him! Tanya: I won't bother - not worth it to waste any more time on him. Celest: I could imagine lots of things, like poisoning all his fish, or putting his dog in a microwave oven. But I won't do anything. I'm chicken... haha... What kind of men turn you on? Celest: One with a sense of humour. Kit: Passion and strong beliefs. I don't like people who always say, "Okay lor". Tanya: A good ass always works for me! Hahaha, today I'm the bimbo... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: