精華區beta KITCHAN 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新加坡本地記者小帽子Hattie Liew報導 hi guys .. i juz came back from the concert at taka ... whoa~~ kit was great..she was wearing this white ensemble.. hum..she sang ni ku and danced~~~~ =))) ( i screamed lotS!! ) then there was an unplugged session~~~ she sang songs like xin tong & xu huan ni.... and of coz... she sang lola & i've finally forgoten your birthday ( she changed into a silver sequined top for this sonG).. danced and jumped around~ but a pity there were sooo many pple..so wasn't seated in the front.. hehehehe ...... took some pix.. will scan... :> v tired.... regards hattie~ ~+*DazZlinG Kit Chan*+~ www.kitchan.cc.st -- 「要學好單簧管,就要先懂得怎麼唱旋律。因為單簧管這種單旋律的樂器就和所有的 歌唱家一樣,唯一憑藉的就是那條孤單卻充滿溫潤美感的聲線。」 Sabine Meyer, one of the best clarinettist -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: klar.fdorm1.nccu.edu.tw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: klar (小倫最愛扭扭貓) 看板: KITCHAN 標題: Re: [聯合早報]歌手藝人 義安城動起來 時間: Fri Jul 7 09:28:37 2000 ※ 引述《klar (小倫最愛扭扭貓)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《klar (小倫最愛扭扭貓)》之銘言: : 天呀....居然還唱了早去早回..... : 我要聽啦 嗚嗚嗚 昨天的曲目 1: ni cool (cool dance!) 你酷 2: ta bu shi he ni 他不適合妳 3: lola (ok dance) 蘿拉 4: wo zhen de ai cuo(unplugged) 我真的愛錯(吉他伴唱) 5: xi huan ni(unplugged) 喜歡你(吉他伴唱) 6: xin tong (unplugged remix) 心痛(吉他伴唱改編) 7: zao qu zao hui 早去早回 (粵語歌,一開始唱就一堆掌聲) (canto, she received a lot of applause for this when she started singing) 8: zhong yu wang ji ni de sheng ri (jumping around madly during the chorus) 終於忘記了你的生日(唱副歌時,發瘋般跳上跳下) (呼....唱你酷到底唱不唱現場呢?個人捫心自問,至少我聽兩次都是現場啦, 可能昨天臉不紅氣不喘,所以就被以為是...) 昨天潔儀唱開場WOW.... -- 嗚 八首歌,星登場都不曉得有沒有這麼多..... 新加坡最齊全哩,,,, -- 「要學好單簧管,就要先懂得怎麼唱旋律。因為單簧管這種單旋律的樂器就和所有的 歌唱家一樣,唯一憑藉的就是那條孤單卻充滿溫潤美感的聲線。」 Sabine Meyer, one of the best clarinettist -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: klar.fdorm1.nccu.edu.tw