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MSNBC做的survey Question of the Day: The Michael Jackson Case: Did the D.A. jump the gun? A leaked memo shows that L.A. child welfare investigators interviewed Michael Jackson旧 current accuser, his brother and his mother a few months ago. According to the memo, the accuser and his family denied Jackson ever sexually abused the boy. 可以投票或是發表你的意見 目前共有三千多人票,結果如下 Yes 70% No 30% http://www.msnbc.com/news/778726.asp 另外AOL News也有一個投票,下面是問題與目前票數 AOL News has a question that we should answer. They begin by wondering: Crack in the Case? First, his ranch was raided. Then, Michael Jackson flew to Santa Barbara to be arrested on allegations of child molestation. But publicly, things haven't moved so quickly since, as formal charges have yet to be filed. And now a leaked memo casts doubt on the prosecution's case. What's going on? Q1:Who do you feel has more credibility in the case at this point? Defense(麥可) 68% Prosecution(原告) 32% Q2:How much sympathy do you feel for Jackson? A lot 37% None 35% A little 29% Total Votes: 20,655 http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20031210105409990001 不過AOL我沒帳號...不太會用...:P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MJJ2000 來自: (12/11 13:09)