精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
節錄自MJFC newletter: Joseph and Katherine Jackson said in a recent interview that they know their son is innocent and that prosecutors are trying to "humiliate" Michael. They also assured the public that they would be seeking custody of Michael's children should they be removed from their father's care. Mrs. Jackson called the allegations "wicked" and added that there would be "a big mess" if the children were removed. "I don't want to think that, because that would be really mean - just take his children from him like that for nothing. It's not right." She also said that she heard of the recent allegations on her way to Bible study class. She recalls "Michael said: 'Mother, don't worry, it's not the truth' But I told him: 'You don't know these wicked people - They'll tarnish your reputation and people will always remember you the way they said he was, not the way he really is." The Jacksons noted that Michael has always wanted to help people, especially children. Mrs. Jackson remembered once when Michael was a teenager, he had seen footage of poor, unwell children and he said "One day I'm going to do something about this. I know I can't heal the world, but I can help." She also said that she did not want her grandchildren to go into the music business "if it's going to cause them as much pain as it's caused Michael." 平常害羞、很少公開發言的J媽竟然這次卯起來說話, 不過一開口就是不一樣啊! 與J媽心有戚戚焉~ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + My Michael is UNBREAKABLE. My Michael is such a HEARTBREAKER. + + My Michael is INVINCIBLE. BREAK OF DAWN, my Michael looks stunning. + + My Michael is such an angel that HEAVEN CAN WAIT for a life time. + + My Michael, YOU ROCK MY WORLD, you put BUTTERFLIES in my stomache. + + My Michael, you make me SPEECHLESS for your charm of 2000 WATTS. + -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: