精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2/13是下次的開庭日,MJ不需到場,不過他的法律團隊會去,還有一大票媒體也會去。 有許多歌迷跟歌友會已經發起要去那裡聲援,結果MJ的團隊就乾脆跳出來當召集人。 他們知道世界各地很多歌迷、歌友會很想發聲,卻無法出席,所以通知大家可以依照 規格寄給他們聲援布條,這樣全世界的聲音都可以在那裡呈現出來。 想問問大家有沒意願。 不過時間很趕,2/11前美國那邊要收到,等於我們2/4前就要寄出, 他們還希望上面有很多歌迷的連署簽名。2/4前能不能做出來是個問題, 還要加上連署的時間...如果2/2可以出來,那2/3可能要挑個場地辦連署。 這樣有人願意去連署嗎? (在開放空間,應該會有路人也來連署~) 如果大家願意幫忙,那錢的部分不用擔心,3000元以內我自己出, 其他就用上次募款到的先撐,如果還不夠,再請各位捐點小錢... 願意幫忙(2/3晚上參與連署、幫忙打個電話或處理場地等等的),請發個聲吧~ 這個靠我一個人弄不來,因為又要趕時間,最近工作又太忙... 布條的規格: The banner should be: -About 35feet long and 4 feet high (this is just an indication, it could also be smaller) (metric:?12 m x 1.5 m) -The one in the picture is made with 13oz vinyl and was printed by a special graphic machinery, but Kinko's prints the same kind of banners, only a little smaller.If you don't have access to sophisticated printing places, or are short on cash, don't worry because your banner can be made of any material, card board, fabrics, sheets, paper..whichever is easier for you.?It can also be made in pieces, if it will be easier for you to mail it.?The pieces, squares,?will be then assembled and taped together once it gets to Santa Maria. Try to use colors, make it look colourful and cheerful, it is not important that the banner looks perfect or professionally made, a plain paper banner, with hand writing in color will do, if it is signed by many fans. (材質的部分,大概也只有布條寄到那裡可以完好無缺吧。其他都會損毀。) -The banner can have any kind of writing on it, but stay in the theme: Michael is Innocent We Love Michael We want justice for Michael This should be written in your language, if the banner comes from Italy, it should say MICHAEL E' INNOCENTE and then you can put a smaller translation in English underneath it. -Each banner should also sport the flag of the country it was made in, to show how far it came from and that fans in that country support MJ.Fans from Santa Maria or Los Angeles should write "Santa Maria supports MJ" on their banner. -Before you send the banner, you should have a fan gathering in your town and all the fans should sign it, either in the back or around the main writing (not over).?You could also take the banner to local malls and ask by-passers who want to support MJ to sign it.?Try to get as many signatures and messages of support as you can. -Then, mail the banner via air mail no later than February 5th. Check with your post office how long it will take, the banner must arrive no later than Feb 11th. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Mr7:哇好趕唷...要怎麼做哩? 推 02/01
MJJ:真的太趕了...:~ 推 02/02
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Foucault (fuck life) 看板: KingofPop 標題: 2/13聲援辦法的補充 時間: Sun Feb 1 11:37:39 2004 忘了說... 官方那邊後來補充,如果時間來不及連署, 也可用e-mail、書信...其他各種方式傳達連署的意義。 把那些e-mail或信件印出來訂在布條後面即可。 不過還是弄個連署活動會比較正式。 補充的辦法應該是迫不得已的辦法了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: