精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
After May 2nd, there is another date which will be important to all of us ! It is May 11th Demonstrations will take place in front of Sony's Buildings world wide !! On May 11th there will be a big demonstration in front of Sony in Berlin, there will be one in Holland and one in Switzerland (May 18th). Italy is also ready to join, the UK (June 15th, Michael apparently will be there on a business trip too) and Paris too. It would be really great if all the other countries would join and organize their own big demonstration in front of Sony's buildings. You don't have to do it on May 11th if you need time to gather more fans, but just stay around that date, within the month of May. Once the demonstration is orga nized, once you know whether many fans will partecipate, INFORM THE LOCAL PRESS , get them to come and to take pictures. Moroever, film the demonstration yours elves, make a video reportage of it. For more questions write to me at [email protected], let me know if you are planning any other initiative so that we can inform all the other countries too. Im enclosing the copy of the flyer we distributed to the people in the street at Sony during the NYC demostration, you can change it and update it but please stick to the Sony/ATV story as it is. Also join the unified fan clubs campaign by singing up to [email protected]. Michael needs our support right now, please partecipate! Send this out to all the Spanish speaking countries, message boards and fan clubs you know. Sony istrying to destroy MJ as an artist, let's stand united and support Michael! " Flyer: STOP SONY FROM SABOTAGING MICHAEL JACKSON!!! They are destroying ART for Money LET THE WORLD KNOW!!! -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 61-230-49-43.HINET-IP.hinet.net