精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
April 12, 2002 For the past two weeks, there has been a fan campaign organized to hold Sony Music responsible for perceived lack of promotion of Michael Jackson current album Invincible. To be brief, the campaign's main statement purports that Sony refuses to promote Invincible because Sony wants complete ownership of the ATV catalog. Though there are some valid points to the circulated Press release, Sony Music has stated publicly that there is no action being taken on the ATV catalog. In the past few days this campaign has made its way into the media. While we understand and commend the people behind its sentiment, we here at MJJForum.com cannot support this action, especially since it has caught the attention of certain media outlets. MJJForum have contacted sources close to the situation, through these sources we can report that Michael Jackson has not commented on this action and has absolutely no involvement with it. Of course these are only sources. We are waiting for an official statement from Michael Jackson's camp with regards to this matter. With that being said, MJJForum.com will not support the current campaign, "Let's Make Invincible ...Visible" and we will not support any form of boycott against Sony Music products. Though Michael Jackson and his camp has not confirmed or denied any problems with Sony, it is important to note that any official statements must come from Michael Jackson, HK and Associates and Neverland Valley Entertainment. We understand the frustration and confusion of the fan base over these issues. However it is important to understand that whatever negotiations that are going on are delicate thus this media campaign can only interfere. It would be in the fans?best interest to let Michael Jackson and his organization deal with whatever is going on. Whatever the outcome, we should support Michael Jackson and his decision regarding his own career. With Respect, MJJForum Worldwide: Millions of fans, One Voice. ---- 說得有理... 幹嘛皇帝不急,急死一堆太監? ---- -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 224.c210-85-173.ethome.net.tw