精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《christie (I love Michael!!)》之銘言: : 啊..我昨天沒看到娛樂新聞耶..可不可以轉述一下麥可說的什麼? I wanna thank all the great,incredible talents.....As long as you play the music i wanna dance! (Audience screaming) Dont't do that, don't do that.... I wanna thank this guy for a wonderful performance. I thought bryton McClure was amazing,too.He's a great singer as well, i mean....Bryton!... Anyway, i first wanted to say...I don't like to talk that much.I prefer to perform.... you know....let me just say this...the tradition..the tradition of great performers....form, and i really want you to know what i say....the tradition of great performers, from sammy Davis JR, james brown,to jackie wilson, to fred astaire, gene kelly...The story is usually the same though, you know,these guys worked really hard, and they're crabbed, for the story ends the same, they usually are broken, torn and usually just sad... because the companies take advantages of them, they really do. And, well sont...sony, being the...you know, being the artist that i am, I've generated several billion dollars for sony, several billon. They really thought that my mind is always on the music and dancing-it usually is, but they never thought that this performr myself would out think them. So...we can't let them get away with what they're trying to do, because now im a free agent.I just owe sony one more album, it's just a box set, really, with two new songs which ive written ages ago.Because for every album thet i record, i write like, literally,I'm telling you the truth, i write....I write at least 120 songs every album i do. i can do the box set, just giving them any two songs So i'll be leaving sony, a free agent....owning half of sony, i own half of sony's publishing....And i'm leaving them, and they...they're very angry at me, because i, i just...i just did good buissness, you know. So the way they get revenge is to try and destroy my album. But ive always said, you know....art, good art, never dies.(applause) Thank you. (接下篇) -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 177.c172.ethome.net.tw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 發信人: [email protected] (Popo), 看板: KingofPop 標 題: Re: 怪哉 發信站: 交大機械 BBS 站 (Wed Jun 19 18:02:39 2002) 轉信站: Ptt!nctumenews!nctumebbs And tommy mattola is a devil....I'm not supposed to say right now, but i have let you know this. Please don't really uptake what i am going to say, Okay?....Do it, do it,I don't mind. take it. Mariah carrey, after the divorce of Tommy, came to me crying, crying..... Crying, she was crying so badly i had to hold her. She said to me that this is an evil man, and michael, this man is following me, she said. He taps her phones, and he's very, very evil, she dosen't trust him. We have to continue or drive until he is terminated. We can't allow him to do this to Great artists. I just wanted to let you know, I appreciate everything you've done, you've been amazing you're so loyal, everybody, all the people here, i love you all....but still, but still, I promise you, the best is yet to come! -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 177.c172.ethome.net.tw