精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
接上篇 Charities that can show they give directly to the needy victims should be getting involved by publicly calling upon Sony to release this or let someone release this. They need to let Sony know not to 'Throw this away', you cannot just 'throw' people's lives away because it is not convenient for you at this time. The charities and all people alike need to join in by publicly showing the world how "stupid" this game is that the record company is playing, and get the victims to write, picket, demonstrate, contact the media, etc. Sony only hopes time will pass and this issue will go away, they do not want to face the public in a bad light. It would be so easy for them to put a little elbow grease behind this and do it properly. Raising a lot of funds would sure help close this wound and give the public a different view. One journalist told me that Sony's nonchalant response was that they already donated 13 million dollars in the past for charitable purposes, and they do not need to do this to prove anything to anyone. They refuse to be 'strong armed' into any fundraising effort. Maybe Sony needs to stop for a second and listen to the lyrics 'what more can I give' and then ask themselves that same question." -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 61-230-104-70.HINET-IP.hinet.net