精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
BET news have just reported that Michael Jackson is putting the finishing touches to his new album, which is produced and co-written by Irv Gotti. A release date for the new album is scheduled for October 22nd, according BET Michael is set to sign with Virgin Records in the next two weeks. The new single entitled "Let's Make This Happen" features LL Cool J is also set for a September radio release! Although, there has been no official confirmation by Michael or Virgin Records. (mjstar) ............................................................................ 不過新聞中提到的Irv Gotti是正確的,而也有消息指出MJ最近在跟Virgin Records接洽 LL cool J那個,我隱約有印象說他們好像有合作過,不記得什麼時候的事了. 新聞中唯一讓人懷疑的就是專輯發行日了,十月底?有這麼快嗎? 希望是真的. 不過就算是真的,MJ要求完美的個性,專輯發行日一定又會一延再延 -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 61-230-113-26.HINET-IP.hinet.net