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Michael Jackson Prepping for World Tour, Not Lung Transplant 麥可傑克森準備巡演全世界 Today 4:54 PM PST by Natalie Finn Michael Jackson is not only not suffering from a life-threatening lung ailment, he's so healthy he's planning a world tour! 麥克傑克森不僅不受威脅生命的肺病之苦,他還非常健康,而且他正在規劃世界巡迴演唱 會﹗ In response to recent comments made by celebrity conspiracy-theorist Ian Halperin, the pop icon's rep issued a statement Monday saying that "wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson’s health are a total fabrication." 針對最近的名人陰謀理論家伊芳恩‧霍爾珀林最近提出的內容,流行指標的官方唯一發言 人在星期一發表一份聲明回應說" 有關對傑克森先生健康的斷言全部都是胡亂捏造"。 "Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized ‘biography,' " Jackson spokesman Dr. Tohme Tohme said of Halperin's in-the-works bio, which claims that the Thriller artist is suffering from a genetic condition called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency that could require a lung transplant to save him. "關於這個作者的指控, 我們希望在將來,合法的新聞媒體,將不會繼續被這樣一個明顯 想推銷某本未經授權的傳記的企圖所利用,傑克森的發言人Tohme Tohme指的是霍爾珀林 的傳記作品,內容聲稱顫慄的藝術家患有一種遺傳基因的所謂alpha-1 antitrypsin抗胰 蛋白酶缺乏症,可能需要肺部移植挽救他。 "Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company and television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances," Tohme continued. "傑克森先生健康狀況相當良好,而且正與大型的娛樂公司與電視臺達成協議,包括披露 世界巡迴演唱與一系列的特輯。" Tohme 繼續接著。 Well, that would be news then, wouldn't it? 那麼,到時候將會是個新聞,不是嗎? Jackson said something along those lines in October when he put the kibosh on rumors—started by his own brothers—that the original Jackson 5 would be teaming up for a "Hey, look at us!" tour. 傑克遜在10月曾為訛傳與原先的傑克遜5合作" 嘿,看我們!" 巡演的謠言,提出一些說 明。 "I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon," Jacko said at the time. "現在我正在錄音室裏進行著新的而且讓人興奮的項目,我期待在很快即將舉行的演唱會 上跟我的歌迷分享。"傑克森當時說。 We're sure the loyal fans who have stuck with him—through good times and bad, trials and errors, wheelchair rides and face masks, flops and Thriller reissues—can hardly wait. 我們確信那些堅持與他度過好與壞的時刻,錯誤和考驗,乘坐輪椅和面罩,拖鞋與再版顫 慄的忠實歌迷,幾乎不能等待了。 對應另一篇新聞 (以下為不實報導,該記者為了宣傳自己某本傳記而捏造新聞話題。) Michael Jackson Might Die: For real this time says Intouch Mag Intouch Weekly print edition are running a story that Michael Jackson is so sick, with a rare genetic disease that he might die. For realz, this time, not faking it to get out of some sort of court appearance, jail cell etc. In Touch娛樂周刊印刷版刊登一項關於麥克‧傑克生病的報導,說他患有一種稀有的遺傳 病,可能造成死亡。而且事實上,這次他並沒有偽裝,擺脫可能的出庭與監牢。 According to Intouch Michael has the rare genetic disease Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. 根據Intouch報導,麥克有罕見的遺傳病Alpha-1 antitrypsin α-1(甲一型)抗胰蛋白 酶缺乏症。 award-winning investigative journalist Ian Halperin tells In Touch that he believes that the King of Pop is fighting for is life. “Michael has a very severe lung condition called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency,” Halperin, a New York Times best-selling author, tells In Touch exclusively. “He’s had it for years but it’s gotten worse. He needs a lung transplant but may be too weak to go through with it. He also has emphysema and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, which his doctors have had a lot of trouble stopping. It’s the bleeding that is the most problematic part. It could kill him.” 該文章由獲獎的調查記者哈普林(Ian Halperin)與該周刊聯繫,他認為流行之王的生命 就是要戰鬥。"Michael Jackson罹患一種非常嚴重的肺病稱為α-1抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症," 哈普林,紐約時報暢銷的作者,向該周刊講述。"這種病已罹患好幾年,但形況變得更糟 。 他需要肺部移植,但他身體太弱,手術困難風險很高。此外他也有肺氣腫和慢性胃腸 與消化道出血,老毛病讓醫生束手無策。出血是最困難的部份,甚至會要他的命。" Because this genetic disease is so rare - Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency affects just 1 in 5,000 Americans - it’s been difficult to treat, says Halperin. “For years, Michael has been working with his own doctors to make sure his condition doesn’t progress. He has been on many medications that have stabilized him.” But as the disease has progressed, Halperin says that the pop star’s quality of life has diminished. “He can barely speak,” says Halperin. “Also, the vision in his left eye is 95 percent gone.” 由於這種遺傳病相當罕見-α-1抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症的影響,在5,000名美國人當中祇有1個 - 這難以治療,哈普林說。"多年來,麥克一直與他的醫生合作,設法控制住他的病情。 "他一直用許多藥物穩定病情。"但是,隨著疾病的進展,"哈普林說"流行之王的生活品質 已逐漸減少。他幾乎無法說話,此外,他的左眼祇剩下百分之五的視力了。" Michael Jackson’s brother Jermaine Jackson confirmed to Foxnews that Michael was desperately ill saying. “He’s not doing so well right now. This isn’t a good time.” 麥克‧傑克遜的哥哥曼傑向福克斯新聞間接證實,麥克身體狀況欠佳。"他現在身體不太 好,這段時間不是個好時機。" http://blog.xuite.net/yangshulie/MichaelJackson?st=c&p=1&w=1303094 由Michael JacksonΨ顫慄台灣Magazine部落格轉載 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Guyguyguy:情緒突然以光速失控XDDDDDDDDD 喔耶 看你的了!michael! 12/23 19:24