精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《botdf (麥可傑克森一級棒)》之銘言: : 以下新聞來自Planet MJ : 7/27 Rodney Jerkins的訪問 (本篇原文有很多亂碼..so..有小 : 漏一部份) : 洛杉磯時報最近訪問了Rodney Jerkins.當問及他與MJ的合作時 : ,這位年輕的製作人答道:"與MJ合作是我最大的願望,他比其他藝 網路上有一小段的報導... Michael ? Coming Back ? Micheal Jackson has been watching Whitney's Houston's musical rejevenation and planning his attack. Jackson may soon be back with the help of Cisco and Rodney Jerkins to return him to the top of the pop charts by the end of the year -- DEAR 想對 Mariah Carey 說悄悄話嗎?請選擇(Y/N/A/B/C/D/E/F)[Y] (Y) You Are MY ALL! (A) You Are Really A Beautiful BUTTERFLY! (N) Do You Think Of Me? (B) CAN'T LET you GO (C) Never Forget You! (D) There's Got To Be A Way To Be Around You (E) Forever I'll Be There(F) Without You I'll Be Breakdown 對方來自 [美麗的蝴蝶谷],共發出 8 張專輯單曲34張 Mariah Carey 目前正處於戰鬥力10000巔峰狀態 -- ※ Origin: 交大機械站 ◆ From: MariahCarey.sedorm.fju.edu.tw --