精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"I am incredibly honored to have been chosen to receive this award. I like to thank the World Music Awards and especially the fans. You are the reason, you are the reason why I continued to do what I do. I have been performing since I was five years old , so I haven't had what you call an ordinary life. But I've been blessed with so many extraordinary opportunities and so many wonderful, wonderful friends all over the world that I wouldn't change a minute of it ...REALLY ! And I'm so proud. I thank God. I am so proud that God gave me the gift of song and the world gave me the opportunity to be heard to music. And it's because of moments like this I can say with all my heart that I am very proud to be an entertainer and YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET !" -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: tp189120.ts.tisnet.net.tw --