精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lance Bass of pop supergroup "N' Sync" says that his group's new album 'Celebrity', which is slated for release on July 24, 2001, is not the only album that he can't wait for. He's also excited about the King of Pop's new CD. "I've heard, like, three tracks and it's amazing," Bass exclaimed. Bass, who has nothing but praise for the living legend, says that Michael has been a huge influence on "N' Sync" and that influence will be evident when fans hear some of the tracks on 'Celebrity'. "I mean, he's a great guy, and he's one of our hugest influences, as you can tell totally on this album--the influence from him. I think he's great and I think this next album he's going to release is going to be probably the biggest album in the history of the world." [Source: Launch.com, Jackson Dailynews] 這是客套話嗎? 真不知新專輯是否真的那麼好..期待 -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: c6.h061013249.is.net.tw --