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July 21st, 2001 - MJ to perform at charity concert in Dubai The UK Times reports that the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, asked Michael (amongst other influential figures, world leaders, scientific pioneers, billionaires and music superstars) to join him in a unique attempt to thrash out a solution to global poverty. Michael is asked to perform at the three day October event that will take place at the world's first seven-star hotel located in Dubai next to the Arabian Sea. The organizers hope to raise millions of pounds for Unicef and the Nelson Mandela children's Fund by broadcasting the all-star concert, on a stage on Jumeirah beach, on satellite and the Internet. The event will end with an award ceremony in which millions of Internet users will be invited to vote for the greatest contributions to science, the arts and "human life" over the past 20 years. Nominations include David Bowie and the Human Genome Project. Robert Davies, chief executive of the Business Leaders Forum, said: "This event marks the 20th anniversary of the birth of the personal computer and also the discovery of the HIV virus. We hope it will raise money for projects in Africa and show the contribution the IT industry can make to socially responsible development." The summit's ultimate goal is to create an entire community in an underdeveloped country, including a school, built using environmentally friendly material. 七星級飯店?無敵誇張...大概是天堂吧:P -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: c10.h203149220.is.net.tw --