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【Mingus整理報導】 流行天王Michael Jackson(麥可傑克遜)的致敬演唱會再添堅強陣容,最近以 Bootylicious誘惑Top 10排行的Destiny's Child(天命真女合唱團)將以組曲型式串接 暢銷曲,與'N Sync(超級男孩)、Britney Spears(布蘭妮)、Shaggy(夏奇)一起勁歌熱舞。 演唱會主辦人David Gest二十五號表示,Michael本人是Destiny's Child的頭號歌迷, 對於Beyonce、Kelly、Michelle三人參演的決定感到相當興奮。名為「Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration, The Solo Years」的致敬演唱會預定九月七 號與十號於紐約的麥迪遜花園引爆,這是Michael睽違美國十一年的首度公開演唱。 Jacksons兄弟中的Tito、Marlon、Jackie、Randy 都將與Michael同台演唱。兩 場演唱會也將製作成兩小時的的電視特輯,入場卷於二十四號開始發售。(MTV.com) -- Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused. (Hold your head up, movin' on. Keep your head up, movin' on.) S W E E T D R E A M S -- ※ Origin: 陽‧光‧椰‧林 <alway.twbbs.org> ◆ From: 61-217-175-140.HINET-IP.hinet.net