精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
This is the artwork for the cover of Michael Jackson's INVINCIBLE album. This cover will be printed with silver ink. All gray parts of the above artwork will be silver. Four limited editions of the INVINCIBLE CD will be available to the public on the day of release. Each one will feature a different cover with a new color. Instead of silver, the limited editions will be printed in red, orange, green and blue. .............................................................................. 嗯.就是以前在Sonymusic俄國網站看到的那個.(我想會在SonyMusic網站出現,應該也不會 是假的) 灰色部分都是銀色的耶~應該會蠻漂亮的吧~ 大概要等拿在手上才知道. 還有另外四種版本,紅色橘色綠色藍色,應該也是用亮亮的那種紅橘綠藍吧~ 個人是覺得先專輯封面還不錯~ -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: 179.c210-85-181.ethome.net.tw --