精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《[email protected] (曲目發表機...)》之銘言: : 不知道有沒有人提過,今天才知道這首是翻唱曲 : 二人女子團Floetry是原唱 ㄚ??是嗎??我怎麼聽說他是跟兩個英國的女生共同創作的ㄚ?? 在steve的interview提過的ㄚ.... Steve Harvey: Hey Mike, where did you get Butterflies from? Michael: Well Butterflies is erm...was these two girls and they came with the song and we erm….kinda worked together. It's mainly these other two girls who mainly composed that one, and I think they're British, they're British girls, they're black British girls. And they were just phenomenal, and I thought it was just something I really, really liked. We did some kinda counter, you know hooks and lines and painted it with different sounds and everything, different colours, and so we produced it and we produced it and just created something that was just acceptable and it ended up going on the album. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 發信人: [email protected] (曲目發表機...), 看板: KingofPop 標 題: Re: Butterflies 發信站: 交大機械 BBS 站 (Tue Feb 18 22:20:17 2003) 轉信站: Ptt!nctumenews!nctumebbs ※ 引述《[email protected] (Bashir sucks)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《[email protected] (曲目發表機...)》之銘言: : : 不知道有沒有人提過,今天才知道這首是翻唱曲 : : 二人女子團Floetry是原唱 : ㄚ??是嗎??我怎麼聽說他是跟兩個英國的女生共同創作的ㄚ?? : 在steve的interview提過的ㄚ.... : Steve Harvey: Hey Mike, where did you get Butterflies from? : Michael: Well Butterflies is erm...was these two girls and they came : with the song and we erm….kinda worked together. It's mainly these : other two girls who mainly composed that one, and I think they're British, 應該這麼說,是她們兩個唱了demo 帶之後丟給 MJ 她們的專輯就有這首的demo version,和MJ版的差不了多少 -- DEAR 想對 Mariah Carey 說悄悄話嗎?請選擇(Y/N/A/B/C/D/E/F)[Y] (Y) You Are MY ALL! (A) You Are Really A Beautiful BUTTERFLY! (N) Do You Think Of Me? (B) CAN'T LET you GO (C) Never Forget You! (D) There's Got To Be A Way To Be Around You (E) Forever I'll Be There(F) Without You I'll Be Breakdown -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: adsl-sta-tpe-64-137-235.so-net.net.tw