精華區beta Kings 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The owners will have won several key concessions from the players, if the current proposal is agreed upon, according to sources on both sides. 以下是經營者取得球員工會讓步的相關條文內容 ‧ A 19-year-old age limit would be implemented. Players who are not 19 by draft night would be ineligible to declare. Under current rules, American players are eligible for the draft the year their high school class graduates. Foreign players must be 18 by draft night. The new proposed age limit would bar most, but not all (Amare Stoudemire was already 19 when he was drafted), high school players from entering the draft. 新版的 CBA條文將選秀球員年齡的門檻拉高到19歲 這會限制大部分的高中生投入選秀的機會 但是也有一些例外 如Amare Stoudemire在選秀日當天已經19歲了....(晚入學?) ‧ Contract lengths would be reduced by one year. Currently, players can sign a fully guaranteed contract for a maximum of seven years if they re-sign with their current team. Players signing with a new team in free agency can sign a six-year deal. Under the new proposal, maxiumum contract lengths would shorten to five years for players signing with new teams and six years for players re-signing with their current team. 簡單來說 球員長約的最大值被縮短硬性規定了 各比原來的規定要縮短一年 原球隊續約最長合約為 6年 而轉隊後的自由球員新約最長只有 5年 (大概是球團要防止球員受傷年老後 績效急速降低 但合約卻又大又長的問題) ‧ Raises in contracts would be reduced. Under the current CBA, players are allowed maximum raises of 12.5 percent per year if they re-sign with their current team and 10 percent if they sign with a different team in free agency. Under the new proposal, raises would be reduced to 10 percent if a player re-signs with his current team and 8 percent if they sign with a different team in free agency. 相同的 球團也要避免球員合約逐年膨脹的問題 將薪資年漲幅的最大上限 往下調整 原母隊續約球員 年薪資漲幅最高到 10% 而和新球隊簽約 則只能享有8% ‧ Teams would pick up an extra option year on rookie contracts. Currently, first-round picks are tied into a league salary scale. When a first-round pick signs a contract, the first three years are guaranteed, with a team option for the fourth year. Players are paid a set amount based on where they were selected in the draft. Under the new proposed rules, first-round picks would get the first two years of their contract guaranteed. The third and fourth years of the contract would be team options. 這個在講選秀的問題 新人約在球團所掌控的範圍加大 新版規定 第一輪被選入球員的新人約只有前兩年的保證約 第三年 第四年 都屬於team options的狀態 意味著球團可能會在第二年底 就脫手他們不滿意的新人球員 In return the owners would make the following concessions to the players if the current proposal is ratified: 相反的 球員工會也獲得某方面的協議勝利 從球團的手中抓回一些利益 ‧ Total player salaries would be guaranteed. The proposed agreement guarantees that players receive a minimum of 57 percent of basketball-related income (BRI) in the form of salaries each year. 以 NBAGM板 jansia大 的說法basketball-related income (BRI) 就是"籃球相關收入"是一個推定值 來估計聯盟整體的運作和資金分配狀況 這點蠻有趣的 因為籃球整體收益越多百分比進入球員的口袋裡 球團經營者就得越少 相形之下 是一種"相對性的損失" 之前的罷工事件 其中一項導火線 也是老闆們不滿整體籃球利益偏向球員那邊去了 這次的談判讓球員福利和薪資收到 57% BRI的最低限 是球員工會一個很重要的談判勝利 ‧ The salary cap would increase. The current CBA bases the salary cap on BRI. The cap is set at 48 percent of BRI; last year, that came to $43.87 million. According to sources, the owners would agree to increase that percentage to 51 percent, in effect raising the salary cap. Sources say the cap would, in that case, rise to between $47 million and $50 million next season. 球隊的薪資上限 向上修正 這是說 球團可以直接花在球員的薪水變多了 薪資上限的用意 是平衡大球隊和小球隊之間的競爭力 是站在公平的基準上 不過之前 NBA薪資總額和戰績相關度 極低 今年我簡單的計算一下 30支球隊勝場 和 薪資總額之間的相關係數 只有0.24 (很簡單的 不用用到 SAS這樣的軟體 微軟的office就能算) 相關程度依舊偏低.... 不過球員的口袋 這回可以再飽滿一點了 ‧ Escrow would be reduced and distribution of escrow moneys modified. Currently, players must pay 10 percent of their salaries into an escrow account each season. If, at season's end, the total amount of player salaries exceeds 57 percent of the league's total basketball-related income, that money goes to the owners whose teams stay below the luxury-tax threshold (and a few that fall within a certain "cliff threshold"). If it doesn't exceed 57 percent, the players get their money back. Under the proposed agreement, that number would be slowly phased down to 8 percent by the end of the agreement. 這和下頭那一段是連在一起看的 不過太長了 我按照原來的格式切割來講 Escrow條款的作用是從球員的薪資中扣除一定比例的金額 來事後平衡球員薪資超出某比例 BRI的狀況 原本條文規定球員薪資得提撥百分之十來當作平衡基金 現在球員工會希望聯盟從他們荷包中抽取出來的錢 可以降到8% 因為總使球員薪資福利的 BRI指數沒有超過聯盟設立的標準 可以退那筆錢給球員 但是 拿出去的少 就是獲得的多 這是不變的真理 可是 這樣一來 也會影響豪華稅門檻的相關議題 There is potentially another significant development in this area. Under current rules, the NBA has sole discretion over the use of the escrow money. Currently, it redistributes the cash (and luxury tax revenues) to teams that are under the luxury tax threshold. In essence, Clippers owner Donald Sterling gets a bonus for being cheap. Under the new proposed agreement, distribution rules would be changed so that luxury tax revenues would now be distributed equally among all 30 teams. 在另一方面 聯盟也有討論到豪華稅和escrow money分配的問題 因為某一些球隊就是靠完全省電狀態的白爛和耍廢 來牟取利潤的 快艇隊的 Donald Sterling就是箇中高手.... 為了代替月亮來懲罰這種耍白爛的老闆 是該重新檢視一下豪華稅和escrow money的分配制度 :) ‧ No super luxury tax. Owners had been pushing for a "super tax" for teams who exceed the salary cap by more than a certain percentage. They would be penalized $2 for every dollar they were over the tax threshold. However, the owners dropped their demand for a super tax under the newest proposal. 最後 原本球團經營者還打算推出"超級稅"(super tax) 來處罰薪資總額過高的球隊 但 這個意願在他們之間卻逐漸降低 據sacbee的報導 國王隊其實也有被處罰的危險 ^^|| 還有 文中沒提到的 聯盟也將加重禁藥的檢驗規定 連防堵用藥事件的問題 原文出自: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2091116 延伸閱讀: http://www.sacbee.com/content/sports/basketball/kings/story/ 13102249p-13946960c.html 備註: 這方面相對於較為深澀,要有更深刻的認識請參考 NBAGM的精華區 如果有解釋錯誤的地方,也請指正 謝謝 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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