精華區beta Kings 關於我們 聯絡資訊
也許應該在張貼這篇新聞之前和各位溝通一些觀念。之前如果有造成 任何人的困擾,個人在此十分抱歉。 對於大眾媒體 (在這裡所指包含報紙,電視,廣播或網站) 而言,提供 資訊給予消費者是他們賴以維生最重要的手段之一。而在如今這個資訊 量龐大的時代,也許對於資訊的判斷和取捨會比擁有資訊的數量更為重 要。個人之前在本版張貼新聞的目的,單純僅是由於個人希望和支持相 同球隊的球迷們分享由不同管道得到的資訓﹔並不表示個人認同此一資 訊的正確性,而事實上個人亦無須為資訊的正確性與否負責。 簡言之,希望各位能夠經由閱讀資訊的過程中,逐步培養對於不同資訊 的判斷和取捨。而相信只要是支持這支球隊稍微資深一點的球迷,應該 都還記憶猶新,Chris Webber 續約之前長達一年的風風雨雨相信是千 金難買的經驗。 個人對於之前張貼新聞可能造成部分球迷的錯誤認知深感抱歉。而假使 如此的情況再次發生,這也許表示個人不應該繼續在本版張貼新聞的行 為,個人將會深切檢討。 對於這支球隊,目前唯一可以確定的事情是,本週四總裁 Geoff Petrie 將與老闆 Maloof 兄弟在 Las Vegas 開會,對於今年球季提出工作總結 報告,並且展望下個球季。 Then, maybe we can start from there. -- 本篇出自週日的 Washington Post, by Michael Wilbon。 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35869-2003May24.html ... So here's what we've got midway through the weekend: The Rockets have Yao Ming, Steve Francis, a bunch of young players and a shiny new arena that would attract just about any NBA coach. The Cleveland Cavaliers will have LeBron James to go along with Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Ricky Davis, Dajuan Wagner and Carlos Boozer, a starting five that looks like the core of a playoff team. The Sacramento Kings aren't sold on Rick Adelman being their best option, even if an injury to Chris Webber did undermine the team's best shot at winning a championship. ... So, who wouldn't want Brown, who, for my money, is second to Phil Jackson among active NBA coaches any team would want. What, Brown wouldn't improve the Kings? As fine a coach as Rudy T. is -- all he did was win two titles, which Brown hasn't done -- the Rockets would improve 15 games next season if Brown is on the bench in Houston. Houston and Cleveland are much more likely destinations than Washington. And if you throw the Kings and Pacers into the mix, that makes four jobs coaches would find more attractive than anything the Wizards have to offer. And with the stars going down like flies in the NBA playoffs -- Dirk Nowitzki's knee injury could keep him out the rest of this series -- the coaches' carousel may be more interesting to watch than the basketball, at least until the Finals begin June 4. ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: