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※ [本文轉錄自 Nuggets 看板 #1D04TYc1 ] 作者: j27050707 (霖) 看板: Nuggets 標題: [外電] MELO最新RUMORS(美國時間12/8) 時間: Thu Dec 9 11:05:04 2010 http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm After weeks of speculation and despite a strong start by the Nuggets, Carmelo Anthony's last days in Denver may finally have arrived. The Nuggets have all but decided to trade Anthony if he does not sign an extension with the team by the trade deadline, and Denver's management team believes Anthony is fully prepared to play out the season and become a free agent, multiple sources told CBSSports.com. MELO的礦工生涯到頭了? 金塊下定決心如果MELO在交易大限前沒有延長合約,就要交易他,而且金塊高層相信MELO 傾向於打完這季並投身自由市場成為自由球員。 The Nuggets’ strong start, coupled with George Karl’s inspirational return from cancer treatment and positive discussions about a contract extension for the soon-to-be-1,000-win coach, have the organization feeling they've done everything possible to persuade Anthony to stay. But according to people with knowledge of the team’s strategy, if Anthony doesn’t agree to sign the three-year, $65 million extension by the Feb. 24 trade deadline, the wheels are all but certain to be put in motion to part ways with the three-time All-Star rather than lose him as a free agent and get nothing in return. 好不容易從癌症陰影走出來的卡爾認為,他們已經做了所有能留住MELO的努力,根據球隊 的策略,如果MELO沒有在交易大限(2/24)前簽下三年6500萬的合約,他們會決定分道揚鑣。 According to people in contact with the Nuggets’ management team, there is far more clarity today about what the team is seeking in a potential Anthony trade than there was in September, when new GM Masai Ujiri was thrust into the tempest in his initial days and weeks on the job. Executives believe the Nuggets have decided they would like to receive the best possible package of young players and are not interested in stopgap options that would hamper their flexibility. Acquiring a high-priced veteran player -- such as Andre Iguodala, whose talent the Nuggets value but not his contract -- would only hurt the team’s ability to build around youth while maintaining payroll flexibility into the uncertainty of a new collective bargaining agreement. 高層認為,他們希望能拿到最好的或是有潛力的年輕球員,而不是會妨礙靈活性的老將, 即使如Iggy(Andre Iguodala)這種符合金塊球風的球員金塊也不會出手,因為合約太昂貴 了,而且這會傷害到球隊以年輕球員重建為核心的想法。 Sources say Anthony is so fixated on winding up with the Knicks that Denver management has become convinced that he will tempt fate and the new CBA by playing out the entire season in Denver and signing with the Knicks as a free agent on July 1 – or after the lockout. The only way that scenario could be positive for Denver would be in a sign-and-trade deal. But such an arrangement – like the pennies-on-the-dollar deals that sent LeBron James and Chris Bosh to Miami – would not be nearly as beneficial as what the Nets are offering now. 消息指出MELO會鋌而走險在金塊打完整個球季並且冒著新的勞資協議的風險成為自由球員 ,並在七月一號與尼克簽約,但金塊唯一感興趣的只有先簽後換,而不是做出像James與 Bosh那種什麼都得不到的傻逼交易,同時消息指出籃網現在提出的菜單一點都不吸引人。 The Knicks, playing their best basketball in years with free-agent acquisition Amar’e Stoudemire, have believed that their best chance of landing Melo was for the process to play out slowly – and they’ve gotten their wish so far. But the Nuggets, sources say, are not sold on the young players New York could offer such as Anthony Randolph, Danilo Gallinari and Wilson Chandler. Point guard Raymond Felton -- who has been on an offensive tear since gaining chemistry with Stoudemire and who becomes trade-eligible on Dec. 15 -- also does not interest the Nuggets, who view him as a halfcourt player who wouldn't fit their style. 尼克在補進核彈頭之後打出了很好的成績,而且他們相信他們在MELO降落尼克之後會更好 ,但是因為尼克不拿出一些年輕球員如Anthony Randolph,Danilo Gallinari,Wilson Cha- ndler,因此金塊無法提起興趣,同時金塊也對在12/15得到交易資格的控衛Raymond Felton 興趣缺缺,因為他們認為他不符合金塊球風。 Nuggets officials are said to be coming around to the idea that Harris could play in the backcourt with Chauncey Billups, who often played shooting guard this past summer with Team USA. But if Anthony is traded, sources say management also wants to show Billups -- who came to the Nuggets not just to come home, but to win -- the proper respect by engaging him in conversations about whether he'd prefer to be traded. 金塊認為槍希跟Harris組成的後場有搞頭,畢竟他們兩今年夏天曾經在美國隊一起打球, 但如果MELO被交易,消息指出高層打算也交易掉槍希,槍希曾說他回丹佛不只是回家,同 時也想贏球,為了對他表示出尊重,如果MELO真的被交易那球隊也會問槍希他想不想走。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MOJS 來自: (12/09 20:45)