精華區beta Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文:http://ppt.cc/2AlA NYDailyNews WASHINGTON - Anthony Randolph's value to the Knicks can't be measured in points and rebounds. Instead, he could be the guy who gets them Carmelo Anthony. Randolph無法為尼克提供籃板和得分,他可能成為交換甜瓜的一部分。 翻譯有錯請指證阿.. The Knicks have fielded calls from several Western Conference clubs regarding a deal for Randolph, according to a team source. The most compelling conversations have been with the Houston Rockets, who in one scenario would trade the Knicks the first-round pick they obtained in last year's Tracy McGrady deal 尼克已經和西區的許多球隊有了接觸,關於Rondolph的交易,而其中最引人注意的是, 與火箭隊的談話,去年在T-MAC的交易當中尼克送出了一個首輪選秀權。 Knicks president Donnie Walsh has admitted publicly that he regrets trading that pick and has been trying for two months to acquire a 2011 first-rounder. The pick is critical if the Knicks want to acquire Anthony, who is likely to be traded by the February deadline. 尼克總管Walsh承認他很後悔送出了那個選秀權,而他已經為了獲得一個2011的首輪選秀 權努力了兩個月。甜瓜可能會在交易截止日前被交易,如果尼克想要得到甜瓜,有個首 輪選秀權是很重要的。 Randolph, who came to the Knicks in the David Lee sign-and-trade with Golden State and is out of Mike D'Antoni's rotation for now, acknowledged Friday that he's aware of "a couple of teams" contacting the Knicks concerning his availability. Randolph是在與勇士隊交易David Lee時來到紐約,而他現在已經不在D'Antoni的輪替陣 容裡,也已經被證實有些球隊對他有興趣。 The Knicks were hopeful that Randolph would either start at center or be the first big man off the bench. Instead, Randolph finds himself below Ronny Turiaf, Shawne Williams and rookie Timofey Mozgov on the depth chart. 尼克本來希望Randolph可以做為一個先發中鋒,或是板凳上第一優先的替補長人,可是 RonnyTuriaf, Shawne Williams和新秀Timofey Mozgov取代了他的位置。 "I believe in myself," Randolph said. "I've got faith in what I can do. Coaches dictate the minutes, so it's nothing I can control. Only thing I can control is how hard I work." Randolph說:我相信自己,我對自己能做到甚麼有信心,但是上場時間是教練控制的,我 能做的就是努力。 The general feeling is that Anthony's preferred destination is New York, and the Knicks could conceivably sign him to a free agent contract over the summer. However, if Anthony is traded in season, there is a chance that he could sign an extension with the team that acquires him. 綠色那段覺得很奇怪,如果Randolph被交易的話,那得到他的那一隊應該會跟他續約。 這不是廢話嗎?.. The Knicks could feature a package that includes Danilo Gallinari, Eddy Curry (and his expiring contract) and a first-round pick. Another player would also have to be part of the deal, and the Nuggets could ask for rookie Landry Fields, whom the Knicks would prefer to keep. 這個包裹可能是Danilo Gallinari+Eddy Curry的到期約+首輪選秀,或許金塊也想要新 秀Landry Fields,不過尼克傾向留下他。 Of course, one theory is that with the Knicks finally winning, Walsh may be reluctant to mess with a good thing. "I think that's Donnie decision," D'Antoni said regarding possible trades. "He's more removed from the situation. Coaches don't have a good perspective on when you need to do it and when you don't need to do it." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: