精華區beta Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文:http://ppt.cc/jG;Z 以下為擷取的簡易翻譯。 有錯請糾正 Q: Are the New Jersey Nets still in the Melo sweepstakes? A: They believe they are, because that is what they are being told by the Nuggets and by Anthony's camp. But the reality is that they are out of it and have been for a long time, and it behooves Denver to create the illusion that other destinations besides New York are still in play. New Jersey still has the best offer sitting on the table that suits the Nuggets' primary need -- to make any Anthony trade a rebuilding trade. But the trade has not happened because Anthony will not sign an extension with New Jersey. He is trying to leverage his way into being dealt to New York. 籃網還有機會爭取甜瓜嗎? 他們以為他們有,但事實上他們早沒機會了,這是金塊的煙霧彈,讓人以為甜瓜除了 尼克還會去別的地方,籃網的包裹還是最好的,但是這個交易不會成功,甜瓜不會跟 籃網續約,他要去紐約。 Q: What kind of a timetable are the Nuggets on for resolving the MeloDrama? A: A tighter one than most realize. A league source told ESPN.com that Denver also is in discussions with Chicago regarding a J.R. Smith trade, and the Nuggets have other long-term roster decisions to make, including whether they will seek to move Chauncey Billups in a trade. But nothing can happen until they know what the future holds in regards to Anthony, whose No. 1 desire is to be dealt to New York and to sign a three-year contract extension worth nearly $65 million that would pair him alongside Amare Stoudemire through the 2014-15 season. 甜瓜人生何時落幕? 金塊與公牛有討論J.R Smith的交易。還有槍西。 The deal Denver can make with the Knicks right now might be better than the deal New York would be willing to make a month from now, or two months from now. And the Nuggets are determined to not lose Anthony with nothing in return as the Cavs did with LeBron, and the Raptors did with Chris Bosh. Anthony told FanHouse he expects a resolution by the Feb. 24 trade deadline. 金塊最好的做法是現在跟尼克交易,不要像LBJ和Bosh那樣甚麼都拿不到。 Q: What pieces do the Knicks have that the Nuggets would want? A: Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler and Landry Fields, along with Eddy Curry's expiring contract. Denver also wants at least one No. 1 draft pick, which the Knicks feel they can acquire from a third team in a deal for Anthony Randolph. The Knicks also would be open to trading their No. 1 pick in 2014 if a Randolph deal did not pan out. (Under NBA rules, New York cannot trade its 2011 or 2013 picks because its 2012 pick was sent to Houston in last year's Tracy McGrady trade, and teams cannot go consecutive years without having a first-round pick.) 尼克有甚麼金塊想要的菜? Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, Landry Fields, Eddy Curry的到期約,金塊 還想要首輪籤,尼克認為他們可以透過三方交易用Anthony Randolph換到。 Q: Would the Knicks give up all that? A: Absolutely not. They'd ship Gallo, Randolph and Curry in a heartbeat, but they are reluctant to trade Fields, who the Nuggets especially covet. One factor that both teams will have to consider: Fields, a second-round pick, is only on a two-year contract (the second year is a team option), then he becomes an unrestricted free agent. 金塊想要Fields,尼克不想丟,他是一個2輪選秀有2年合約。 Donnie Walsh has said he will not gut the team to acquire a second max-salary player, and the Knicks are confident they can sign Anthony as an unrestricted free agent next summer if they do not acquire him in a trade. That being said, they'd prefer to trade for Anthony now and lock him up through 2014-15, which removes the uncertainty of not knowing what latitude they'll have in the free-agent market under the rules of the next collective bargaining agreement. 這段我覺得怪怪的,大概就是尼克覺得交易比較好,免的受cba的影響 Chris Sheridan covers the NBA for ESPN.com and ESPNNewYork.com. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MOJS 來自: (12/15 22:14)
nisiya0625 :甜瓜人生幕後秘辛 12/15 22:17
kameng :意思是承接上一段尼克不會把所有人都掉了來換取甜瓜 12/15 22:17
MOJS :!!懂了 12/15 22:18
kameng :(破壞球隊去換取第二個頂薪球員) 反正他們覺得也可以 12/15 22:18
kameng :在暑假以UFA 來簽他,之後的就像你譯的那樣 12/15 22:19
MOJS :本來主要是第一行看不太懂,現在很清楚了 12/15 22:20
MOJS :謝謝呀,看NBA學英文= = 12/15 22:20
apestage :擺明了想去尼克 這樣才有爭冠本錢 12/15 22:32
rosebulls:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 12/15 22:34
antiall :melo簽約去尼克 跟阿罵兩個人薪資就卡到爆了 這樣會 12/15 22:34
rosebulls :轉甜瓜來就好板 12/15 22:35
antiall :有前途嗎? 12/15 22:35
garytony1 :還是有的 吸引老將 選秀選好 中產好好簽 還是有的 12/15 22:38
garytony1 :每隻強隊都會有個一兩隻頂薪球員 2隻還好 尼克有錢 12/15 22:39
garytony1 :不然你以為熱火要靠啥運作 12/15 22:39
homechen1990:尼克要化身NBA邪惡帝國了嗎 >0< 12/15 22:45
Sakber :尼克湊兩巨頭還夠 三巨頭就不太可能 12/15 22:46
BeTry :那也要費城先出個5+1年120M(146M)的來跟紐約亂阿 12/15 22:47
dogville :當然先換先贏 誰知道新版CBA能不能讓尼克簽下Melo 12/15 22:51
tealee :他們兩巨頭就夠了吧 = = 12/15 22:56
Skabo :NBA很難會有邪惡帝國 湖人只能養兩隻國王 12/15 23:03
Skabo :但是洋基可以養六隻海盜 12/15 23:03
tealee :費城有四隻怪物 12/15 23:07
bluelune :兄弟有零簽六萬 12/15 23:09
hjchang :melo+阿罵+felton 好屌 12/15 23:09
hjchang :再加個射手和幾個堪用的禁區肉棒 嘖嘖 12/15 23:10
pipiann :尼克不交易的話是簽不下來的!! 12/15 23:18
tealee :交易後尼克剩幾個人蠻好奇的.... 12/15 23:21
MOJS :尼克不交易應該是簽的下來的 12/15 23:22
ymsya :嘖 話說小牛好像也要參戰了… 12/15 23:30
ymsya :RealGM有看到 可是不會翻Touch Base= = 12/15 23:30
howsiao :touch base 就聯絡阿 12/15 23:34
weishun :借轉白忙一場版。 12/15 23:40
weishun:轉錄至看板 Nets 12/15 23:40 MOJS:轉錄至看板 Knicks 12/15 23:55