精華區beta Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Donnie Walsh denies most recent Carmelo Anthony trade rumor involving O.J. Mayo As the Nets attempt to finalize a trade for Carmelo Anthony an internet report claims that the Knicks are trying to recruit Memphis to facilitate a deal for the Denver All-Star. Knicks president Donnie Walsh Thursday night denied being in talks with both the Grizzlies and Nuggets in a complicated trade that would bring Anthony to New York. The Grizzlies involvement would include sending O.J. Mayo to the Nuggets while the Knicks would trade a combination of Wilson Chandler plus Danilo Gallinari or Landry Fields. Meanwhile, a source involved in the negotiations remains confident that the proposed three-way deal between the Nets, Nuggets and Pistons would be completed early next week. Anthony was in the starting lineup on Thursday when the Nuggets hosted the Miami Heat. The Nets face the Lakers on Friday in Los Angeles. BY Frank Isola http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/knicks/2011/01/donnie-walsh-denies-most-recent-carmelo-anthony-trade-rumor-involving-oj-mayo?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nydnrss%2Fblogs%2Fknicks+%28Blogs%2FKnicks+Knation%29 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cty 來自: (01/14 13:10)
BleuOmbre:反正就是都要跟紐約有關的球隊交易就是了 (攤~) 01/14 14:00
MOJS:看到新聞標題,金塊不想要沒油..尼克灰熊都澄清沒這筆交易 01/15 06:53
MOJS:感覺金塊為了要搶籃網,一直到處放風聲阿, 01/15 06:53
MOJS:在前些時候,籃網也有說金塊在交易的事情上太過誇張的作文章 01/15 06:54
MOJS:每次都是,金塊籃網的交易"近乎完成" 01/15 06:54
MOJS:之後最近金塊竟然跑出來說,要籃網不要洩漏交易的內容 01/15 06:55
MOJS:很詭異... 01/15 06:55
BleuOmbre:最近每次進都有點小期待看到什麼大新聞 :p 01/17 22:26