精華區beta Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DKBLDxs ] 作者: Sango5566 (三國56殺爆你) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 尼克有意Aaron Brooks? 時間: Tue Feb 8 11:15:22 2011 Knicks interested in Rockets' Brooks Updated: Feb 07, 2011 08:32 PM By ALAN HAHN The Knicks are mulling a trade that could bring in Aaron Brooks for some needed backcourt help. 尼克正考慮是否需要透過交易得到Aaron Brooks來提升後場強度。 A source with knowledge of the situation said the Rockets "are going to try hard" to move Brooks before the Feb. 24 trade deadline. A separate source confirmed that the Knicks are interested. 消息來源稱,火箭正努力在交易截止日前送走Aaron Brooks, 據報,尼克對此有興趣。 The 6-foot guard was suspended by the Rockets for last night's game against the Nuggets after he walked off the court during a timeout late in Houston's victory over Memphis on Saturday. Brooks, the NBA 's Most Improved Player last season, has been upset with coach Rick Adelman about his playing time, which has been significantly reduced since his return from an early-season ankle injury. 這名6呎的後衛被球隊禁賽一場,原因是對灰熊那場比賽,Brooks第四節時提前離開球場。 曾獲年度最佳進步獎的Brooks,本季因腳踝傷勢,上場時間不如上個賽季。 The Knicks have spent most of the season scouring the league for a capable backup for Raymond Felton but have yet to find an available player who would be a good fit and wouldn't cost them an asset they might need to acquire Carmelo Anthony . 尼克一直以來都想替主力控衛Raymond Felton找個有力的替補。 但他們希望不會因此損失任何可以交易到Carmelo Anthony的籌碼。 http://goo.gl/Sv6nU -- Amare:球...還...我...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fish24685 :推簽名檔XD 02/08 11:15
JAY049 :BROOKS滿適合尼克的~ 02/08 11:16
pepeoa :果然是重攻輕守=..= 02/08 11:16
lanver1220 :遇到很會自幹的球員 其他隊員真的作何感想 02/08 11:16
BrentRoy :當小AB手指比一 02/08 11:17
gamble5566 :尼克要AB幹嘛.. 02/08 11:17
DASHOCK :搶小AB幹嘛...... 02/08 11:19
MARVELHERO :AB和AS同隊,覺得1+1<2........ 02/08 11:19
beygwa :尼克麥鬧 尼克需要的是稱職的替補控衛 不需要AB 02/08 11:19
kingroy :想把小AB當百步殺來用就是了.. 02/08 11:22
MOJS :尼克沒東西給火箭 02/08 11:23
MOJS :小AB便宜又到期, 會投三分, 算符合要求..不過有TD了 02/08 11:24
elve7878 :可惜尼克沒有火箭要的菜... 02/08 11:24
danwhei :小AB便宜又會切又有外線 02/08 11:25
a7v333 :簽名檔太妙了 02/08 11:26
kenneth317 :推簽名檔,小AB真的很獨 02/08 11:27
chouyuu :小AB很適合尼克 02/08 11:32
VASTSKY :借轉火箭版,謝謝 02/08 11:32
VASTSKY:轉錄至看板 Rockets 02/08 11:32
JackX : 小AB 要去尼克當一哥? 02/08 11:32
volcom :請鬼帖藥單 02/08 11:33
kevinken :先得到小AB 再拿去交換melo 02/08 11:44
pounil :簽AB FOR 杜宏 02/08 11:47
love750507 :借轉尼克板 02/08 12:12
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MAGICMCGRADY:拜託不要 ..... 02/08 12:35
atear:其他隊友會沒球可投 02/08 12:59
annachie:Walsh上任後,傳的出rumer都不會成交,大家放心 02/08 13:28
annachie:反之有成功的交易快完成才會知道 02/08 13:29
Herreweghe:還蠻希望5048傳出來的rumor成交倒是XDDDDDDD 02/08 14:21
TBdrays:推樓上 02/08 21:22