精華區beta Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一些消息集中在這篇, 以大意為主 要注意, 消息都是為證實的, 當乳摸參考 1.史騰介入尼克人事異動? 紐約郵報》獲悉,David Stern 最近一直都在幕後說服尼克老闆執行球隊總裁Walsh最後 一年的合同。 在三年前,Stern就曾遊說Dolan讓他僱傭沃Walsh,以挽回之前由於Isiah Thomas性醜聞 以及操作球隊的糟糕表現而損失的球隊名譽。由於Walsh最後一年的合同需要在今年 4月30日前執行,有報道稱Dolan正在猶豫是否繼續讓Walsh掌管尼克,而且Thomas依然 在他的考慮範圍。 聯盟發言人昨天表示,Stern不會對此事發表評論,並且對有關他對話球隊老闆們的調查 使用「總裁-老闆」特權,也就是無可奉告。 http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knicks/commish_pushing_for_walsh_to_stay_My8uDF77qOpQT5ldOpnVUP 2.還是覬覦蜂王? 認為甜瓜最終會落腳紐約, CP3也會加入 消息來源說: Walsh感到不安, 認為湖人金塊的交易流言, 是金塊用來抬價的手法 http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/columns/story?columnist=oconnor_ian&id=6107433 3.A軟換Przybilla? 拓荒者還是對A軟有意思, 尼克會想得到Przybilla或是首輪簽 A軟經紀人希望可以交易, 沒上場機會無法發揮 http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knicks/mozgov_gives_griffin_tough_battle_m2SywQcyd1voIdR3uuw2kO 4.教練不爽球隊缺乏energy 這篇就是真的囉, 節錄對話 "I just don't think we had the energy out there to be a playoff team," D'Antoni said. "For whatever reason, in the first half we just didn't come out and play. You could see it on our face, the energy level, mostly on the defensive end, but it transferred to the offensive end." "We're not playing hard; we're not getting loose balls. Seems like we're afraid out there," Amar'e Stoudemire said. "I said it before the game. We've got to have supreme focus. "I guess they figured I was talking to the wall because we didn't come out with any focus," he added. 教練:缺乏能量! 從臉上就看得出來, 尤其是防守端 阿罵:賽前我就跟他們講要專注! 我看他們是以為我在跟牆壁講話吧, 我看不到專注! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MOJS 來自: (02/12 01:16)
MOJS:喔對了..Moz明天會先發 02/12 01:21
qhaabk:5044 恭喜 02/12 01:28
david319:希望第一件事情成真.....Walsh對於尼克太重要了 02/12 05:30
tpc122:如果尼克叫Thomas回來,我就要結束在尼克隊的18年球迷生涯 02/12 22:01