精華區beta KoreanPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
唱得真好Q Q 原版聲音就很低 聽了十遍以上了XD 090405 Maybee Radio 昶旻版 http://www.badongo.com/vid/1083459 原版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHXEE7Pi6iQ
2AM 20090405人氣歌謠 Energy Song - 咖啡王子版XD http://www.badongo.com/vid/1083481 INDIA ARIE 歌詞 Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don't Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won't Depend on how the wind blows I might even paint my toes It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel But, I learned to love myself unconditionally Because I am a queen I'm not the average girl from your video My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the india arie When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me Every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be And I know our creator didn't make no mistakes on me My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes; I'm lovin' what I see I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel But, I learned to love myself unconditionally Because I am a queen I'm not the average girl from your video My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the india arie Am I less of a lady if I don't wear pantyhose? My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but, what she knows But, I've drawn a conclusion, it's all an illusion, confusion's the name of the game A misconception, a vast deception Something's gotta change but,Don't be offended this is all my opinion ain't nothing that I'm sayin law This is a true confession of a life learned lesson I was sent here to share with y'all So get in where you fit in go on and shine Clear your mind, now's the time Put your salt on the shelf Go on and love yourself 'Cuz everything's gonna be all right I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally Because I am a queen I'm not the average girl from your video My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes No matter what I'm wearing I will always be the india arie Keep your fancy drinks and your expensive minks I don't need that to have a good time Keep your expensive car and your caviar All I need is my guitar Keep your Kristal and your pistol I'd rather have a pretty piece of crystal Don't need your silicone I prefer my own What God gave me is just fine I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel But, I learned to love myself unconditionally Because I am a queen I'm not the average girl from your video My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes No matter what I'm wearing I will always be india arie -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kt7rc:好好聽! 剛開一看到畫面以為是夢XDD 04/08 01:09
kt7rc:水管一直出現這個"您所在的國家/地區無法觀看此影片"〒△〒 04/08 01:10
katiechu:樓上在台灣沒錯嗎XD? 我一直可以看說Orz 04/08 01:12
katiechu:不然請愛用 India Arie 當關鍵字搜尋看看XD 04/08 01:12
※ 編輯: katiechu 來自: (04/08 01:22)
vyc:哇!!!他果然不適合 沒戴眼鏡 (跟G.O.D的泰宇一樣) (誤) 04/08 18:48
vyc:真的好好聽喔!!!!! 不愧是ONEDAY裡唯一當完兵的人(又誤) ^^ 04/08 18:49
m0604:可以請問一下原版是誰唱的嗎? 04/08 20:39
m0604: 04/08 20:40
katiechu: -> India Arie XD 04/09 07:22
blluesea:CHANGMIN 唱的超好聽的! 怕樓樓上還不解 原唱就叫作 04/14 12:37
blluesea:India Arie lah!!! 04/14 12:37