精華區beta LOONA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
181218 官方SNS更新 為了本月少女官方Fan Club Orbit一期, Orbit專用的App公開了!(擁抱的臉) 與本月少女一起多多聊聊吧(傳送飛吻的臉) The LOOΠΔ official mobile application for Orbit 1st generation released today We'd love to talk more with you through the app https://i.imgur.com/mgXJI8Y.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/BrhA6CmBDPW/ ------------------------------------- + Android + http://bit.ly/2EsMTDi + Apple IOS + https://apple.co/2UOHlJ8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LOONA/M.1545115382.A.AF6.html
jbd123: 可是BBC 我比較想要XX (磨刀 12/18 15:11
bighead50405: 看到有人留言:只限一期orbit的感想->HaSeul Let 12/18 15:50
bighead50405: me in 12/18 15:50
yukihira: https://loonaverse.com/orbit-card/ 12/18 16:26
yukihira: 做張屬於自己的會員卡從中得到一點小樂趣(?) 12/18 16:27
highsnow: 想請教一下要怎麼登錄TT 12/18 17:07
highsnow: 抱歉沒看到要先登入,問題已解決 12/18 17:12
yukihira: https://i.imgur.com/5pbmlvW.png 忙內換藝名了?? 12/18 19:06
pkkcyc: XDDD 12/18 19:08
charly204: 不錯,APP有創意XD 12/19 10:50