精華區beta LTK 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ltkcommune.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html 我們展現的是勇於實驗、顛覆的鷹派體質,希望帶動有興趣卻沉默畏縮不前的人一同出來 亂搞惡攪,進行一切的粗製濫造,矢志成為台灣惡臭叛動文化工農階級先鋒隊!我們要在 作品中無情地抨擊主流物慾價值,必須創造更多負面的形象,培養兒童具有與資本主義所 產生的毒瘡和惡習完全絕緣的性格,肯定檳榔、維士比、愛兒愛思底、愛思特希及自拍A 片嫖妓大雜交,以「台客」作為行動的指南、戰鬥的武器,讓臭鯽仔和雞餔包們從極度消 沉的意志中擺脫出來,建立起新的認同和樂觀主義,明瞭自己為何而戰,鼓舞他們起來進 行積極的鬥爭和生產! 舞台上的濁團,習見庸俗低級荒腔走板的表現方法,歇斯底里叫囂和挑釁,需要高度策略 性的時候來一場粗心大意的破壞,需要堅決鬥爭性的時候,偏又來一套拙劣的溫情,結果 常造成工作上的巨大損失讓人不忍卒睹;但我們相信,感情上不健康不乾淨,語言運用不 高雅不流暢,作品裏掺雜迷信色情的東西,加上親切的人情味和新鮮活潑的江湖氣才能和 人民發生廣泛的聯繫。 因此即使臭名遠揚,常被唯美主義者指摘為亡命之徒、極端軍國主義者、走偏鋒、漫不經 心以偏概全、粗暴的敗壞群眾的趣味等等,我想這些都是合乎事實的,這些批評對我們的 幫助很大,我誠懇接受且衷心地表示了最大的喜悅。 然而我們不能不痛切地認識到,是我們作品還遠遠落在人民的高度要求之後的嚴重現象。 長久以來,我們組織基本上是在為人民服務的正確路線上發展著,自以為站穩了民族和人 民的立場,但在長期的主觀主義支配下,拉雜地不加篩選吸收了歐美腐朽文藝的糟粕和感 傷氣息,血液中存在的唯心、幻想、神秘的毒素卻是很深而毫不自覺,導致部分創作動機 不純,錯誤迎合了小資產階級的品味,事實證明,空洞抽象的洋八股是碰不得的! 人民要求:文藝必須高度地反映偉大的現實!人們已經被現實駁得啞口無言,在行動上日 趨極端,對於我們的怠惰、敷衍了事、蓋棉被純聊天等等,已經表示大大的不滿;資產階 級藝術總是頑強地表現自己,強調英雄主義,灌輸對國家和人民命運漠不關心、對群眾抗 爭厭惡的思想,逃避現實生活中的尖銳問題,藉以竭力鞏固人們的舊思想和習慣,把歷史 拉向後退。 今天我必須毫不留情地對這種架空的、脫離生活、不由群眾中來的思想自我嚴厲的批判, 有了一些成績就自以為不得了,就驕傲自滿起來,就向個人主義盲目崇拜的情緒靠攏,對 於自己在獨立建國過程中所犯的嚴重錯誤和它所招致對人民民主事業的損害感到驚痛無盡 ,接受教訓,改造自己,永遠沒有太晚的時候,今後應堅決地從頭學起,永不疲倦地向人 民學習,投身於火熱的生活鬥爭中,調整和發展我們的力量。 ====== Looking Back and Criticizing the Road We Have Walked --- by Blackgold Ko What we are trying to present is the war-hawk quality of having the courage to do experiments and to subvert authority, in hopes of encouraging those with urge but too scared and silent to step out to run wild and mess around with us, turning out slipshod pieces of work, taking an oath to be the vanguards of the stinky rebel culture from the peasant and worker classes! We want to, through our works, ruthlessly attack the main-stream value of material desire. It is necessary to create more negative images, develop children’s personalities without any contact with corruptions and evil practices from capitalism, support betel nuts, Whisbih, LSD, Ecstacy, and self-shot porno films with contents of whoredom, and use “taike” as action guide and weapon to fight, so that losers can get rid of their depressions, create new identification and optimism, and understand what they are fighting for. They will be inspired to aggressively battle and produce! The LTK Commune on stage usually performs with a vulgar, low-class, and off-key style, shouting and provoking hysterically. When strategies are highly required, the band carelessly makes a disaster. When firm will to battle is required, the band shows clumsy tenderness. The work results have usually been huge losses which too tragic to look at. However, we believe the only way to be extensively connected to the people is to keep emotions unhealthy and unclean, use inelegant and influent languages, integrate pornography into works, and add more friendly human touch and vivacious sense of sophistication. Therefore, even though we have been notorious, called exiles and extreme militarists, and considered holding extreme views, unmindfully taking a part for the all, and violently ruined people’s tastes, I believe all of the above are true. These criticisms are very helpful to us. I sincerely accept them and express my greatest joy wholeheartedly. However, we still have to feel bitter about realizing the serious situation in which our works are still far behind people’s high demands. For a long time, our organization has been developed along the correct route of serving people. We thought we held our positions with our race and our people, but after being dominated by subjectivism for a long period of time, we have, without filtration, learned the dross and sadness from corrupt western literature and art. There are powerful poisons of idealism, fantasy, and mystery but we didn’t know about their existence, which has polluted our motivations of creation so that we have humored the petty bourgeoisie by satisfying their tastes. The truth proves that we should have stayed away from the hollow and abstract western stereotypes! People’s demands: Literature and art must reflect the great reality! People have been left speechless by reality. Their actions have become more and more extreme everyday. Strong dissatisfaction with our laziness, temporization, and being dispirited has been shown. Art from the bourgeoisie is always about stubborn self-manifestation, emphasizing heroism, imbuing people and nations with carelessness and thoughts against mass movements, avoiding sharp issues in real lives, consolidating people’s old thoughts and habits to pull the history moving backwards. Today, I have to ruthlessly and harshly self-criticize this kind of titular and armchair thoughts which were not inspired by the people. We were full of ourselves for having some achievements and started to be too proud, leaning against blind worship of individualism. We feel surprised and painful for the serious mistakes we have made in the process of establishing an independent country and the damages to the democracy therefore caused. We must learn the lessons and reform ourselves. It’s never too late. From this moment on, we must firmly start over and learn from the people night and day, devoting ourselves to the heat of fights in life, adjusting and developing our own strength. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: