精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CxILAaq ] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Dennis Rodman評論熱火三巨頭 時間: Wed Nov 24 22:46:31 2010 On fans freaking out about the Heat: “Well that’s the choice. Me, Michael, and Scottie, we did one thing honey. The big three? Where’s the big three at?” 關於熱火三巨頭帶給球迷的影響...... 「球迷選擇誰,那是他們的自由。當年我、Michael、Pippen,我們在一起打球很融洽。 那三巨頭呢?他們做了什麼讓他們看起來像三巨頭了?」 On the struggles of the Heat: “The Miami Heat right? You know what? There’s a reason that LeBron can’t accept, Dwyane Wade can’t accept, and (Chris) Bosh can’t accept the fact that you know what? I love that Michael, Scottie, and Dennis Rodman got along. They can’t get it together. That’s the main thing, they can’t get it together. Other teammates cannot adjourn to these people and that’s the main thing. If you see LeBron’s face and the way he walks on the court all the time. What are you doing? What are you doing? This girl is really active. Oh my Lord she’s going at it right now dude.” 關於熱火的困境...... 「你是說邁阿密熱火隊?對吧?有一個理由是LBJ不能接受的、Wade不能接受的、Bosh也 不能接受的,你知道是什麼理由嗎?就是當年Jordan、Pippen和我一起打球的時候,氣氛 相當融洽,其他隊友也不會扯後腿,但三巨頭做不到這樣,那正是主要的因素。你看LBJ 在場上那副樣子就知道了。 On sports being weird right now: “Guess what? They want Pat Riley to be the coach. I think that as professional players that are making 300 something million dollars should do one thing, control that team and they’re not doing that. When me, Michael, and Scottie, we did one thing honey, we made less than 100 million dollars a year and we won stuff brother. Right now I think today’s sports is really weird.” 關於現今體壇的怪現象 「你猜怎麼著?Pat Riley將會下來自己當教練。我認為對於一個職業球員來講,你拿了 300萬年薪,應該做對球隊有貢獻的事,但是他們並沒有。當年我們三個打球的時候,我 們把同一件事做得很完美。有很多年薪甚至不到100萬的隊友也為了同件事而努力著,所 以我說現在的體壇生態真的非常奇怪。」 http://goo.gl/afgM1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (11/24 23:36)
kart:300 million應該是三億年薪,反正Rodmen在毫小,當初他自己 11/25 03:06
kart:還不是被視為毒瘤的角色 = =,要不是有MJ和Pip拉,早就滾了 11/25 03:06