精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這一篇是昨天關於小吉說LBJ講垃圾話的後續報導 不過想必沒有太多人會注意,哈哈,反正罵完拍拍屁股走人酸民最會 至於內容真實性與否另當別論 LeBron, Daniel Gibson clear the air LBJ和小吉對昨天的報導做出澄清 By Brian Windhorst ESPN.com MIAMI -- Despite some awkward moments and some tough talk during and after his return to Cleveland this week, LeBron James and former Cleveland Cavaliers teammate Daniel Gibson remain friends. 儘管因為這禮拜的火騎大戰,場上出現了一些針鋒相對的言詞 LBJ和小吉還是保持朋友關係。 James said he called Gibson Saturday after Gibson implied in an interview Friday that his four-year friendship with James had been damaged after the Heat's 118-90 win over the Cavs on Thursday. LBJ說他今天特地打了一通電話給小吉,尤其昨天小吉對記者說 他和LBJ的友誼被傷害了。 James implied that Gibson felt he was misquoted and said everything is now patched up between the two. LBJ暗示說小吉認為他對記者說的話被斷章取義了, 並且說現在兩人關係已經恢復。 "Did he say that? Did he actually be quoted as me and LeBron's friendship is [over]?" James said. "I talked to Daniel today and it is all good. We're still friends." 「他那樣說?他真的是像你們記者說的和我不再是朋友了?」LBJ說。 「我今天打給他,一切都好,我們還是朋友。」 When asked about the conversation before the Cavs took on the Timberwolves in Minneapolis, Gibson didn't want to elaborate to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. 當記者轉而去問小吉,小吉則不想再把事情鬧大。 "Yeah, we did [talk]," Gibson said. "I'd rather not say exactly what it was about. It was more that we're both competitive people. We both want to win. That's what it's all about." 「是的,我們有通電話,我不會跟你們講我們對話內容的字字句句。 我們說了些關於我們都是不認輸的人,我們都想贏。大概就這樣吧。」 Friday Gibson said he was upset by James coming over and talking to the Cavs bench during the game and also making some gestures to ex-teammates during his 24-point third quarter. 禮拜五小吉說了些他對LBJ一些舉動的不滿。 James ended the game with a season-high 38 points. "He did some things and made some gestures," Gibson said then. "It was some of the things that he'd do when he was here on our team that we would ride with. Him being the opponent he did some of those same things, I, for one, didn't like it." 小吉禮拜五是這樣說的(按:現在才看到記者完整的把小吉說什麼 寫出來.... =.=) 「他做了一些事情和一些舉動。這些事情和舉動是他在騎士時也會這樣做 的,而我們也都樂於這類事情。現在他在別隊了還這樣做,基本上我個人 是不喜歡的。」 (按:以我的猜想,我覺得甚至根本不見得是垃圾話,只是LBJ想要 試著去讓氣氛不要緊繃,去講一些他以前同隊時也會說的一些話罷了, 但是像小吉這些比較硬頸的騎士人覺得這樣反而是污辱他們的感覺) The reaction James got from ex-teammates became a lingering issue over the last few days. While cameras caught James talking to the Cavs bench on several occasions, most players actually ignored him or gave him a cold reaction. 這場比賽後前隊友對他不理睬的反應變成軒然大波。 "I didn't expect too much, I didn't ask for too much for any of my ex-teammates, " James said. "For the most part, everyone's reception was kind of cold." LBJ自己說「我也不期待太多,我並沒有要他們還像以前一樣熱情以對, 事實上,大多數時間他們對我的反應的確很冷淡。」 (按:我覺得整件事就是記者在利用小吉不服輸的個性見縫插針, 把整件事鬧大,把LBJ說成一個會對前隊友前教練落井下石個性的人, 然後酸民也酸爽爽,騎士迷則本來就不諒解LBJ的Decision,現在自然 很容易情感上也跟酸民一起罵爽爽) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Paraguay:推翻譯 也推K大!! 12/05 12:20
kbw81:gibson 好想念他哦 12/05 12:55
Xobile:推K大 12/05 14:03
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