精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DPRI879 ] 作者: kart (=\) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] LBJ: 東區崛起 時間: Thu Feb 24 09:29:42 2011 http://ppt.cc/GR~9 MIAMI -- When LeBron James joined forces with stars Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh last summer, he expected others to follow suit . LBJ去熱火時就預期其他球星會有類似的舉動。 Now, with Carmelo Anthony joining Amare Stoudemire and the Knicks and Deron Williams headed to the New Jersey Nets, James' prediction is coming true. 現在這項預測成真了。 "Everybody's bringing their talents to the East," James said. "It's going to be fun. 「大夥都跑到東區來打拚了,這將會很有趣說。」LBJ說。 "We came here to team up and we knew we were starting a trend. Teams are going to have to load up because the competition level is rising." 「當初我們合組時就知道我們只是各開始,其他隊將會跟進因為 競爭性提高了。」 James said there has been a shift in power between the NBA's conferences. LBJ說東西區的強弱態勢將有所改變。 "We took two of the best players in the West and brought them to the East," James said. "D-Will has been a multiple All-Star in the West and Melo, of course, has been a multiple All-Star and now they're in the East. Amare Stoudemire was a multiple All-Star in the West and now he's in the East too. So it is shifting." 「我們把西區最好的兩個球員帶到東區來了,小胖連年都是全明星, 甜瓜當然也是好幾個全明星,阿罵也是。所以東西區強弱開始位移了。」 The Knicks acquired Anthony from Denver on Tuesday in a three-team trade that also involved Minnesota. New York received guards Chauncey Billups and Anthony Carter, and forwards Renaldo Balkman, Shelden Williams and Corey Brewer in the deal, while giving up forwards Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari, guard Raymond Felton and center Timofey Mozgov, draft picks and cash. 關於交易細節。 "It's great for the league that the New York Knicks are relevant again and competing at a high level," James said. 「對聯盟來說,尼客又變成強隊是件好事。」LBJ說。 When asked whether it's a bad thing that players are empowered to make choices for themselves, James and Wade laughed. 當被問到球員有權決定自己落腳何方是否是一件不建康的事時, LBJ和Wade都笑了。 "Do you know how crazy that sounds?" James said with a smile. "I'm not answering that. I am not answering that." 「你知道這問題聽起來多瘋狂嗎?我是不會回答的。我是不會回答這問題的。」 LBJ邊微笑邊說到。 Wade stuck up for his fellow All-Stars. Wade則對這問題做了說明。 "I'm for it," Dwyane Wade said. "I'm 100 percent for players making decisions that they feel is best for them and their family. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't." 「我是支持這個趨勢的。我100%同意球員也該有些權力決定她們的未來。 有些時候這樣做會成功,有些時候不會」Wade說。 Wade doesn't believe front offices should have complete control over its players. Wade認為高層不應該有所有的權力。 "That's something that should be up for debate in this world and it isn't talked about enough." Wade said. "You always say that when management decides to get rid of somebody, they got rid of them. When a player decides to go elsewhere, it's [considered] a bad thing." Wade說:「這是一件值得全世界去辯論的事情,而且人們討論的不夠多。 你總是說當高層決定要把某人脫手時,他們就脫手了。但是當一個球員 想要決定自己要落腳何方時,這種舉動卻被視為很糟糕。」 During Wade's response, James jokingly interrupted him from afar, encouraging him to leave the gym with him by calling out Wade's name. Wade laughed before continuing with his comments. 似乎擔心Wade中了媒體的計,LBJ開玩笑式的在遠方喊著Wade的名字, 要他跟他一起離開球館了。Wade則大笑並且繼續他的回應。 "As a player, you have to do what's best for you," Wade said. "You can't think about what someone's going to feel or think on the outside. You have to do what's best for you and that's what some players are doing. I'm happy for those players that felt that they wanted to be somewhere and they got what their wish." 「身為一個球員,你必須要作對你自己最好的決定。你不能想到其他人 會感覺如何或是以第三人角度來看。你必須要作對自己最好的事,而有些 球員的確就是這樣做的。我對這些球員感到高興,他們想要去某些地方, 而他們也達到了她們的願望。」Wade說。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hawk920412 :是說的不錯啦...但是還是需要一些時間來接受 02/24 09:34
darren800922:推 02/24 09:34
rayensighner:MM表示: 02/24 09:35
pounil :尼克跟籃網要在這幾年採買西區的明星球員了嗎? 02/24 09:44
terrykoc :90年代公牛等強隊解體後 東區終於要超越西區了嗎? 02/24 09:48
shwkz :LBJ預言:小市場球隊很慘 球星合體奪冠論 報應隨處在 02/24 09:50
dwyanelin :WADE果然是場面話一哥 02/24 10:02
Carmelo :城下一聚 02/24 10:03
atert :翻的有點拗口 02/24 10:12
kinanson :典韋其實說得很中肯 02/24 10:24
liugayo :LBJ跟Wade很有默契,他們搞笑還滿有畫面的 02/24 10:25
tracy2817038:LBJ其實想說:送!又多一個明星賽幫我護駕搶MVP的人了 02/24 10:36
always0410 :Sloan都去伊利諾了 東區連農作物都會檔拆 西區咧? 02/24 10:57
jack29556446:屎 02/24 11:13
jpboy :就算90年代 東區也只能算公牛獨秀 其他普遍西區強~ 02/24 11:19
jpboy :96年大歐去西區時已註定西區普遍較強 但現在態勢改了 02/24 11:20
kart :atert兄,反正之後會有記者用比較高深的辭彙來發稿^^ 02/24 11:34
kart :反正通常都是外電->鄉民翻譯->記者取稿 ^^ 02/24 11:35
sxing6326 :哪邊有說LBJ擔心Wade中計啊 XDDDDDD 02/24 11:36
kart :那裡的肢體語言意思就是這樣,不稍微解釋照直翻大概 02/24 11:51
kart :就會有人看不懂那一段再幹麻了 ^^ 02/24 11:52
Alfred :球員有交易發言權跟吃相難不難看是兩回事。這些大牌 02/24 11:54
Alfred :本來就有跟一般球員不同的談判地位了,真的要拿勞工 02/24 11:54
Alfred :身份來說嘴,應該幫助工會把CBA的透明規則訂好一點, 02/24 11:55
Alfred :而不是私底下透過經紀公司搞暗盤爽到自己害到隊友。 02/24 11:56
Alfred :就只會想到自己組X巨頭,你的隊友同事們呢? 02/24 11:56
sxing6326 :了解 翻譯辛苦了 02/24 11:58
kart :Alfred我不確定你在說誰?如果是LBJ,我不知道他這樣 02/24 11:58
kart :為什麼算害到隊友?他在騎士時打出第一戰績,沒有倦 02/24 11:59
kart :勤,等自由後合理找出路哪裡不對?除了宣布方式,其 02/24 12:00
Alfred :LBJ的事情之前已經吵過一輪了。你去問問留在騎士的球 02/24 12:00
kart :他地方看不出不合理處 = =,如果是說甜瓜,那是有點 02/24 12:00
kart :磨人就是,搞了2/3各球季 02/24 12:00
Alfred :員們他們感想如何?我並不反對增加球員的權力,但那 02/24 12:01
Alfred :是指在透明的規則下讓球員也能參與,而不是玩弄規則 02/24 12:02
kart :ESPN季前就做過類似統計了,大部份NBA的球員是支持 02/24 12:02
Alfred :接連著有對CAA等的批評不是空穴來風,這樣的手法到底 02/24 12:03
kart :LBJ這樣能跟球團談判的,騎士球員我反而真沒聽他們 02/24 12:04
Alfred :對聯盟操作與球員形象是好是壞呢?請看清楚批評的點 02/24 12:04
Alfred :像這篇的問題基本上根本沒點到問題的核心,所以wade 02/24 12:05
kart :說過啥,換句話說,他們又能說啥呢?情感上我當初也 02/24 12:05
Alfred :當然可以這樣講場面話,重點不是勞資對立,而是怎麼 02/24 12:05
kart :不喜看到LBJ離開,但是實務上,沒什麼錯誤之有吧 = = 02/24 12:06
Alfred :玩這個遊戲。看事情要看制度,要從整體來看。 02/24 12:07
Alfred :你設身處地想想騎士球員工作環境的變化跟他們季賽崩 02/24 12:09
Alfred :潰的那場比賽應該可以體會一下。當然你要怪他們小牌 02/24 12:10
Alfred :不夠力談判也可以,那Wade就不要在說場面話的時候用 02/24 12:11
Alfred :「球員」這個泛稱把他們也通通都包進去。Sloan的事情 02/24 12:11
Alfred :也引起一些對這種「球員的聯盟」的新文化的討論,新 02/24 12:12
Alfred :文化不一定不好,過去由資方+GM團隊主導的舊文化也不 02/24 12:13
Alfred :一定非得維持不可,但若不能清楚建立每個角色的倫理 02/24 12:13
Alfred :與該有的行為守則,這種暗盤+謠言文化不管是真是假都 02/24 12:14
Alfred :會傷害聯盟也傷害球員自己的形象與商機。 02/24 12:14
darren800922:不好意思 我不認為LBJ這樣做有甚麼錯 竟然有要離隊 02/24 12:36
darren800922:要看隊員們同不同意還問感想這種鬼話 自己的未來自 02/24 12:37
Alfred :你沒看懂人家在批的是什麼,看清楚一點吧 02/24 12:37
darren800922:己創造 只不過同隊憑甚麼有資格管誰能離不離隊 02/24 12:38
Alfred :如果你資訊不足,去補一下有關CAA跟教皇的深度分析文 02/24 12:38
Alfred :這不是在罵LBJ一個人,而是針對趨勢的觀察跟批評 02/24 12:39
Alfred :如果問題只是「每個球員都做對自己最有利的選擇」那 02/24 12:39
Alfred :不會有人有任何意見,但問題不在那邊。 02/24 12:40
BlueSatan :沒辦法,某島國人當奴當慣了,還以為這世界的人皆如此! 02/24 12:41
BlueSatan :國人勞工權利跟意識要高一點... 02/24 12:42
Alfred :笑死人,幫資方喊減隊的有什麼資格說勞工意識。 02/24 12:46
PaulChris :這種事沒有所謂的對錯,只是大家還不習慣罷了。 02/24 13:05
zealeliot :Melo一開始就明講讓球隊有時間準備 LBJ相反 02/24 13:22
zealeliot :大家覺得LBJ處理不當是因為這樣吧 02/24 13:22
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