精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Dk_ZAV3 ] 作者: AirLeBron6 ( MJ 巛 LBJ ) 看板: NBA 標題: [HOOP] LeBron:我們像地球先鋒隊 聯合所有力量 時間: Sat Apr 30 19:55:51 2011 LeBron James out to end struggles against Celtics 3:50 p.m. EDT, April 29, 2011 The Boston Celtics have been sort of a bully for LeBron James throughout his postseason career. Twice he's faced them. Twice he's lost. Eventually, James realized defeating his biggest rival alone was too much of a task. So he went out and got help. When James, now with the Miami Heat, lines up to face the Celtics on Sunday in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinals, he will have the help of Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. 對於LeBron James來說,塞爾提克隊給他的季後賽生涯留下了痛苦的回憶,他曾兩次遇到 他們,而兩次都以失敗告終。最終,他意識到僅靠他一個人的力量要想戰勝他們是何其困 難,因此他來到了邁阿密尋求幫助。週一,他將在Dwyane Wade和Chris Bosh的幫助下再 次與塞爾提克展開對決。 "It's always a challenge playing against them," James said. "They are one of the most, when talking about mentally strong, they are one of the strongest teams we have in this league because they've been through situation after situation after situation in hostile environments on the road, at home." 「跟他們對陣永遠都是一個挑戰。」James說道:「要比意志力的話,他們是意志力最強 的球隊之一,他們是最強硬的球隊之一,因為他們經歷過一個又一個艱難的情況,不管是 客場還是主場。」 James finally got over that hump, defeating the Pistons in the 2007 Eastern Conference finals before going on to lose to the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA Finals. Wade experienced a similar feeling when beating the Pistons on the way to winning the 2005-06 championship. James將現在的塞爾提克隊與前幾年的活塞隊進行對比,而James曾在2007年的東區決賽中 戰勝過活塞,Wade也在2005-06賽季戰勝過活塞隊。 "The both of us, it took us a while to get through Detroit," James said. "It ended that reign for those guys … It was just a mountain, it was a tough mountain to climb to get over Detroit and once we did, we were just confident. We could beat anybody. There's definitely similarities [to Boston.]" 「我們兩個人在戰勝活塞隊時都很艱難。」James說道:「他們就像是一座山,一座很難 征服的大山,而我們曾做到過一次。我們非常自信,我們能夠擊敗任何人。塞爾提克的情 況也非常相似。」 The Celtics have dashed more than just James' hopes when it comes to the Heat. Wade fell to Boston in the first round of last year's playoffs, causing him to vow not to lose another opening series anytime soon. James even pointed out that the Celtics ousted point guard Mike Bibby when he was with Atlanta in 2008. 事實上,塞爾提克終結的不僅僅是James的比賽,Wade去年帶領的熱火也是在首輪被塞爾 提克淘汰,除此之外還有Mike Bibby在2008年在老鷹隊時被塞爾提克淘汰過。 "They ended all of our seasons, so we all decided to join forces," James joked. "Like Captain Planet, we put our rings together." 「他們曾結束過我們各自的賽季,所以我們決定團結起來。」James開玩笑道:「就像是 地球先鋒隊(Captain Planet),我們將五枚戒指的力量合在一起。」 -- Captain Planet and the Planeteers (地球先鋒隊) 美國DiC Entertainment公司製作的環保主義動畫影集。 地球的守護女神Gaia憂心地球的環境日益惡化,遂將五枚分別帶有土、火、風、水、心 能力的神奇戒指給予了來自地球五大洲的五位少年,非洲的Kwame(戒指能力:土),紐約 的Wheeler(戒指能力:火),蘇維埃的Linka(戒指能力:風),亞洲的Gi(戒指能力:水), 南美的Ma-Ti(戒指能力:心),組成了名為「地球先鋒隊」的組織,當這五枚戒指的力量 合一時,便能召喚出一位有著神奇力量的全能環保超人——Captain Planet。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ohyeahbb : 04/30 19:56
joker6 :我有看過這卡通XD 04/30 19:56
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haha98 :史上最爛的英雄 拿垃圾去丟他就好了 04/30 19:57
love34567 :那地球超人碰上KG馬上被垃圾話打爆吧 04/30 19:57
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howsiao :熱火全隊球員現在總共有幾枚戒指? 04/30 19:58
ohyeahbb :整隊的戒指加起來有五枚? 04/30 19:58
shy801020 :.... 04/30 19:58
※ 編輯: AirLeBron6 來自: (04/30 19:59)
hchs31705 :fire~~ 04/30 19:59
capirex :純噓ID 04/30 19:59
icelocker :叫出來的正義超人對污染全無抵抗力真的是OOXX 04/30 20:00
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