精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DuTsfp1 ] 作者: JoshHoward5 (Dallas Mavericks) 看板: NBA 標題: [外電] LeBron on Dirk: 'If I need to guard him throughout the c 時間: Sun May 29 13:46:13 2011 LeBron on Dirk: 'If I need to guard him throughout the course of the series, I will' By Associated Press Published 28 May 2011 05:33 PM http://tinyurl.com/3flrumx MIAMI — It's the matchup that basketball fans might really want to see. 這可能是身為籃球迷真的想看到的。 Not Heat vs. Mavericks. LeBron vs. Dirk. 不是小牛隊對熱火,而是LeBron對上Dirk。 There's a chance at some point in the NBA finals, which begin Tuesday when Dallas visits Miami, that Heat forward LeBron James may find himself guarding Mavs star Dirk Nowitzki. 在禮拜三開打的總冠軍賽裡的某些時點會有機會,當小牛拜訪邁阿密時, 熱火前鋒 LeBron James可能會親自來守Dirk。 If it happens, James said he will accept the challenge. 如果真的發生了,LeBron James說他會樂於接受挑戰。 “People see me as a really good defender and him as the best offensive player,” James said. “So they automatically put me on him. Whatever it takes. If I need to guard him throughout the course of the series, I will. It doesn't matter to me.” 「大家看到我是個非常好的防守者,而Dirk他是個非常好的進攻球員。」James這麼 說,「所以他們很自然的就讓我去守他,不論要付出什麼代價, 如果我需要整個系 列都去守他,我會嘗試去做,對我來說無所謂。」 The Heat will likely use an array of players on Nowitzki, including Chris Bosh, Joel Anthony and Udonis Haslem, who fared particularly well against the 7-foot sharpshooter when Miami beat Dallas in the 2006 title series. 熱火可能會用好幾個球員去伺候Dirk, 包括Chris Bosh、Joel Anthony和在2006年 對抗7呎的Dirk有不錯效果的Udonis Haslem。 “I don't think the same things that worked five years ago will work this year,” Haslem said. “It's going to be a team effort. ... When he gets the ball, everybody has to be at attention.” Udonis Haslem說「我不認為五年前所做的防守一樣在今年會有效,這會是全隊要一 起幫忙的,當Dirk拿到球時,每個人都必須專注。」 For his part, Nowitzki sounds like he'll be prepared for whatever Miami throws his way. 對Dirk來說,從他的發言中聽起來,好像是他已經準備好了, 不管熱火怎麼對付他 “They're a very good team with three superstars who can really, really defend,” Nowitzki said. “They've showed that in the playoffs so far. They're very good defensively. Yeah, it's going to be a challenge. Hopefully we're going to be up for it.” 「他們是支有三個防守非常、非常好的明星球員的球隊。」Dirk這麼說,「 從季後 賽至今他們展現了非常好的防守,他們的防守非常出色,這會是個挑戰, 希望我們 會準備好來迎接挑戰。」 -- ╭─────────╮ Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
peter1082 :Lebron on Dirk !?>///< 05/29 13:47
shinbbsptt :Dirk 很難守...今年有多少人守住.. 05/29 13:47
YamagiN :Ladys on Gentleman 05/29 13:47
permoon :要守Dirk要用包的,1v1誰來都沒用 05/29 13:48
permoon :今年季後賽Dirk在1v1的狀態下什麼豪笅球都可以進-_-" 05/29 13:48
borisbogi :Kidd表示:我只希望他不會傷害我。 05/29 13:48
peace1way :最後一段,翻成防守非常、非常好的 這樣子順一點 05/29 13:49
sonico :想看!!! 05/29 13:49
like1259 :我覺得應該是守不住.. 互爆的機率很高 05/29 13:49
alanhong99 :非常"好防守"的明星球員??,應該是防守非常好的球員吧 05/29 13:50
sonico :非常好防守的明星球員 <---Ben Wallace??? 05/29 13:50
alanhong99 :總決賽應該會很好看^^ 05/29 13:51
sonico :不會互爆吧,因為小牛教練不會讓Dirk去守到LBJ XD 05/29 13:51
※ 編輯: JoshHoward5 來自: (05/29 13:52)
VASTSKY :坦克大戰?! 05/29 13:52
apestage :借轉火板 05/29 13:52
mike200293:轉錄至看板 Mavericks 05/29 13:53 apestage:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat 05/29 13:53
rabbit190 :七呎後仰給鬼守喔... 05/29 13:53
ghostcch :LBJ拉不下臉學COLLISON那麼骯髒的防守,所以守不住的 05/29 13:54
z1987090 :應該還是守不太住吧 7呎的砲台加後仰...... 05/29 13:54
Y1999 :美國90重戰車vs德製虎式坦克 05/29 13:55
zyxwvoklove :現今能守住Dirk的 似乎已經跟Dirk同隊了= =... 05/29 13:56
sonico :如果是Sheed和KG,不知道會怎麼守.我想這兩個和魔獸應 05/29 13:58
sonico :該會守的比較好,有高度有活動力. 05/29 13:58
kinny79912 :每天都在放話 要守誰守誰的 05/29 13:59
z1987090 :木桶伯還在打的話 真想看看他守Dirk 05/29 14:00
yahooman :nash守最好 05/29 14:05
serendipity :感覺今年有放話的都輸 05/29 14:06
BLABLA007 :小心不要太快犯規.. 05/29 14:07
sheettrait :裁判守最好,這還要問? 05/29 14:09
ymsya :就跟以前火箭用踢妹來扛Dirk一樣道理? 05/29 14:10
woaine520 :DW也不一定守得好喔 老馬還在的話絕對是個麻煩 05/29 14:11
Giuliani :根本摸不到球啊 05/29 14:11
zjeff1 :一定是包夾阿 LBJ+裁判 05/29 14:13
briankch :黑雷都五個守Dirk了 05/29 14:14
jaysuzuki :Bosh:第一次沒被遺忘...Dirk...謝謝你T.T 05/29 14:16
CW4 :Boozer教訓 千萬不要說是兩個 05/29 14:26
penny4ever :他去到熱火之後都會假摔了 05/29 14:28
leo6315 :守得住才怪 05/29 14:29
Renk :好想看司機後仰然後給LBJ一腳 05/29 14:29
dickyman : 怎不說小牛怎模防兩個會打籃球的上帝... 05/29 14:30
Shaq32 :很無聊的推文 討論一對一防守 一個單檔就換了 05/29 14:32
Shaq32 :請討論團隊防守好嗎? 05/29 14:32
zealeliot :Dirk快出三分投死他 投死他~ 05/29 14:32
leo6315 :兩個會打球的上帝? 你把喬丹放哪了?? 出來面對! 05/29 14:46
Levelmax99 :準備射爆黑火 05/29 14:50
jamesch :KG的活動力跟手長應該可以給司機一些壓迫,但守不死 05/29 14:53
chrislux :試試看阿XD 05/29 15:06
sjvious :小哈06年守得不錯 輪流吧! 05/29 15:12
sangoking :守司機要從頭到尾黏死他 讓他疲於跑位 05/29 15:23
sangoking :以激烈身體對抗來降低他的體力 進一步降低他的準度 05/29 15:24
gn01106472f :大家看到我是個非常好的防守者...自我感覺... 05/29 15:45
drias :Bosh!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h60uviwKC0 05/29 15:46
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