精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DzzUC7H ] 作者: ymsya (小太陽) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] LeBron James clarifies comments 時間: Wed Jun 15 05:49:59 2011 June 14, 2011, 5:03 PM ET LeBron James clarifies comments LeBron 澄清先前的評論 By Brian Windhorst ESPN.com MIAMI -- After two days to reflect, LeBron James clarified his comments following the Miami Heat's loss to the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals on Sunday night. 兩天之後,LeBron James澄清他先前輸給小牛隊後發出的言論。 James had received some criticism for making a blanket statement that seemed to belittle fans who cheered against him and the Heat. James當時酸了那些因熱火輸球很爽的球迷們。 "All the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today," James said Sunday. 「對於那些酸我酸的很爽的人們,明天他們還是得過下去,什麼都不會變的。」 "They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point." 「他們每天都會遇到一些事情。我要繼續享受我的生活。也許他們會爽 個幾天幾個月。但那與我無關,在熱火成功之後,他們就會閉嘴了。」 Tuesday, James backed down from those statements and said they were misinterpreted. 星期二,James改口說是記者誤解了。 "Basically I was saying at the end of the day this season is over and -- with all hatred -- everyone else has to move on with their lives, good or bad. I do too," James said. 「我說的是這一季結束了。所有人會帶著他們的情感繼續活下去。 無論是喜是悲,當然我也是。」 "It wasn't saying I'm superior or better than anyone else, any man or woman on this planet, I'm not. I would never ever look at myself bigger than anyone who watched our game. It may have come off wrong but that wasn't my intent." 「這不是說我比這世界上的任何人特別或什麼的。我不會那麼自大。 他們曲解我的原意。」 The Heat are far from over their Finals loss to the Mavericks and were just beginning to put things in perspective as they cleaned out their lockers and went through final meetings on Tuesday. Dwyane Wade said he was in a state of depression. James said he was the definition of the word "low." 熱火隊目前還在調整輸球後的情緒。Dwyane Wade說他就像得憂鬱症一樣。 James則說他的情緒也很『Low』。 Two days after their Game 6 defeat, James said he was especially upset because he felt he let his teammates down with a poor performance. James averaged just 17.8 points and had several poor late-game efforts during the series as the Mavs won the final three games to take the title. 在第六戰兩天後,James表示他特別的難過,因為他的表現太令人失望了。 James場均僅貢獻17.8分。尤其最後三場的後半段更是亂七八糟。 "I put a lot of pressure on myself not to let my teammates down, maybe to a fault at times," James said. "I didn't play up to my own standards. Did that cost us the Finals? I don't know. I'm not satisfied with my performance." 「我給自己很大的壓力,也許這是錯的。我沒有表現好。總冠軍戰是因 為我才輸的嗎?我不知道。但我很不滿意我的表現!」 James was also asked if he had any regrets over the events of the last year, especially his decision to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers. James被問到一些會不會後悔的事。包括決定離開克里夫蘭騎士隊。 "You can't live your life going back and saying 'if I could do it again,' life doesn't run its course like that," James said. "There are times when you feel like if you did have another opportunity you would change it but you can't move on in life thinking about the past." 「不能總活在過去、總說『如果我這樣做就好了』。時光是沒有如果的。 有時候你會追求別的機會,但你不能一天到晚想回到過去。」 On a day when the Heat hoped to be playing a Game 7, Wade said he thought this season would be easier. The team came within two victories of a title but struggled at times as James, Wade and Chris Bosh had some issues meshing their roles. Wade admitted getting three All-Stars to fit was more challenging than it first appeared when they all signed with the Heat last summer. Wade心想若能打到第七戰也許就能贏球了。一隊吸引其他兩隊的球星到來 就是為了拿冠軍。雖然有時三個人之間會有一些小問題。Wade也承認三個 人的磨合比當初想的複雜多了。 "You come into a season and see the talent on your roster and you immediately think the game is going to be easier for you; you expect certain things to happen," Wade said. "You have to work the game, no one can come in and automatically be great at something." 「當你進入賽季看到你的名單上在發光,你會立刻覺得很輕鬆;期望 也會跟著提高許多,但磨合還是要慢慢來,沒有人能馬上變超強的。」 原文:http://tinyurl.com/4ydmk2x -- 完了 我怎麼翻到一半想到this is kingjames -- 我心中的第一隊 中生代 新生代 退休組    C : Yao Ming(02) C : Dwight Howard(04) C : Shaquille O'Neal(92)   PF: Kevin Garnett(95) PF: 待補 PF: Chris Webber(93)   SF: Tracy McGrady(97) SF: Carmelo Anthony(03) SF: Charles Barkley(84)   SG: Allen Iverson(96) SG: Dwyane Wade(03) SG: Michael Jordan(84)   PG: Steve Nash(96) PG: Deron Williams(05) PG: Anfernee Hardaway(93) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
GJ94ekm4 :關鍵字:磨合複雜 絃外之音:爭老大 06/15 05:52
eeqqww112233:BOSH:還是我最乖 06/15 05:57
keke :翻譯錯誤很多 06/15 05:58
ymsya :樓上求解 06/15 05:59
感謝keke大,差點就去睡了 囧> ※ 編輯: ymsya 來自: (06/15 06:10)
st210113 :想了兩天怎麼的理由 結果感覺還是很差= = 06/15 06:24
st210113 : 應對記者 06/15 06:24
blaukatze :他真的很傻很天真耶 是怎麼這麼不會說話 好懷念姚明 06/15 06:30
Kreen :他這篇講得還 ok 啦。 06/15 06:31
nisiya0625 :他的幕後團隊是在幫他還是害他@@? 06/15 06:41
windclound :不然他還能怎麼講更得體??? 06/15 06:42
windclound :在怎麼黑的球星 還是有飄白的一天啦 遙想法庭王就釋 06/15 06:43
abusgun :要成長先把那群一心想抱大腿吃飯的高中同學踢掉吧.. 06/15 07:12
abusgun :有一群人整天在你耳邊灌迷湯..想不中二都很難 06/15 07:14
peter4710032:感覺很真啊 06/15 07:27
attdave :總覺得他只要說一句It's all my fault就好了 06/15 07:29
asruar :他可能連sorry都不會說也不會跳 06/15 07:46
bbuda :.............. 06/15 07:56
sgheart :沒關係 明年繼續酸 06/15 08:00
sevenheadsho:花休哀度???? 06/15 08:05
dudu1987 :真是有夠不討喜的人 06/15 08:13
peterttt :WADE明明想當老大...當初找另2人時一定是說什麼球隊 06/15 08:18
peterttt :是大家的...這種騙人的話... 06/15 08:18
CLawrence :說實話WADE很奸啊.....拉LBJ來之後 06/15 08:24
CLawrence :還在某次訪問說"希望能在一支球隊從一而終"...... 06/15 08:25
CLawrence :不知道LBJ和BOSH當時作何感想XDDDDD 06/15 08:26
transa :該去念大學了 06/15 08:43
monmo :........乾脆來台灣選立委算了 06/15 08:51
Tmmontal :他好愛講完話後,兩天後再來澄清 06/15 08:51
dscndg :what should i do ? 06/15 09:21
lulanjia :他幕後那群狗頭軍師到底是哪些人???? 06/15 09:26
koflll :Queen James 你好 你可不可以閉嘴 06/15 09:27
dynamo :來台灣打581 享受以一打五 冠軍要幾個有幾個 06/15 09:40
kiddno56979 :我不會那麼自大 看到這句我就笑了XDDD 06/15 09:43
jason12308 :米國人的幽默真的有點下流……SNL 06/15 09:48
Aroman :沒唸大學真的有差 06/15 09:56
JohnConnor :不能想怎麼回到過去 因為LBJ.........已經回不去了~ 06/15 09:58
JohnConnor :Not1, not2, not3...., not7, but8........yrs later 06/15 10:00
unique0927 :是喔@@ 06/15 10:07
dw1012 :I I I I I my I I I myself I I I I I ... 06/15 10:09
airsoar :沒關係啦...至少也拿了一個總亞軍不是嗎 06/15 10:09
roymond :講完後又來澄清,不覺得太晚了嗎.... 06/15 10:14
JohnConnor :以後講話前想多一點 不然就講少一點吧 LBJ:WTFQ 06/15 10:17
will41330 :這人真的很討厭= = 06/15 10:38
peter4710032:鄉民好像覺得唸大學會成熟,奇怪的是這裡一堆大學生 06/15 10:40
jorden :越解釋越黑..... 06/15 10:50
GANZ :還好沒說被盜帳號了 QQ 06/15 11:01
xd4664 :日子是照樣要過 酸你也是照樣要酸 06/15 11:09
peter4710032:樓上這話就是真的誠懇了 06/15 11:12
thegod13 :Nike:去澄清 06/15 11:15
chinhan1216 :根本在硬凹 06/15 11:33
yggub :想漂白唷 06/15 11:36
Renk :Low~ low~ low~ low~ low~ low~ low~ low~ 06/15 11:56
Isoroku5566 :這篇說的比較好了啦。 第二名起碼也是贏過唬人 06/15 12:08
Devilarea :LUB~~這傢伙真是有夠拖泥帶水的 一點都不像個男人 06/15 12:24
puszta :承認一下朕不夠硬會怎樣嗎........ 06/15 12:31
kobemyhero :人家塞爾提克第一季就合體成功奪冠喔>.^ 06/15 12:49
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