精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 MiamiHeat 看板 #1E5VWxSN ] 作者: liugayo (起起伏伏) 看板: MiamiHeat 標題: [外電] LeBron's bike event stresses education 時間: Fri Jul 8 02:17:29 2011 前 言 儘管封館後不能使用球隊的健身房、球館,LCD今天夏天還是滿忙碌的 LeBron先是籃球夏令營、回家鄉附近的高中辦自行車活動、8月11日來台灣、中國 Wade去完歐洲,最近開始準備自己的籃球營,8月5日去上海 Bosh 8月下旬結婚,這陣子新婚蜜月期...還是Bosh最忙了 >///< 以下挑部分內容翻譯 ESPN:http://es.pn/oUkmXa 專欄作者:Associated Press 標題:LeBron's bike event stresses education LeBron育教於樂的自行車活動 LeBron James is spending part of his summer thinking about school. The Miami Heat star is changing the scope of his annual bike-a-thon in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, scrubbing its former "King for Kids" moniker to now call the event "Wheels for Education" and building it around a two-week camp featuring reading and technology classes for 360 children about to enter third grade. This year's bike event, a 2.6-mile ride where James will be accompanied by 20 selected high-school students, is Aug. 8. 今天夏天LeBron會回到他的家鄉--俄亥俄州的Akron,在 Akron Public Schools舉辦為期 兩週的歡樂成長營"Wheels for Education"。往年他的活動被戲稱為"King for Kids", 今年則是以教導那些升三年級的孩子們閱讀、製作工藝品為主題。 8月8日,LeBron會陪同該校的二十位高中生騎行2.6英里。(4.2公里) "We're looking to continue to create awareness for these young kids," James, who founded the bike event in 2005, told The Associated Press. "Not only in this community, but in the world. Me having an influence with my voice, I'm blessed. So the No. 1 thing is creating awareness and I think this gives us an opportunity to make sure these kids not only get educated but have fun and being around people that can have a positive influence in their life." 這項由LeBron發起的自行車活動已經辦了5年,他對ESPN記者說:"我們會持續關心社區的 孩子們,也會關懷世上所有孩子。我想我會擅用我的言語,先吸引大家的目光,然後我希 望讓這些孩子在快樂的氣氛中學習,培養他們積極的生活態度。" James has said several times that ensuring children get through school is one of his biggest away-from-basketball priorities. He did not attend college, jumping directly to the NBA after finishing high school in 2003. He has already partnered with State Farm on an initiative called "26 Seconds," a nod to the statistic that, on average, one child drops out of school within that timeframe. James曾說過幾次,除了籃球以外最優先要做是讓孩子們完成學業。他並沒有唸過大學, 2003年高中畢業後就直接進入NBA,現在他也參與State Farm的倡導活動。 後面那一小段不好解釋,請參考網頁: 在美國,平均每 26 秒就產生一位高中輟學生 去年加州有199,400名青少年輟學 http://bit.ly/pyVT9P In a telephone interview from Akron, where he's spending part of his summer, James cited research suggesting third-grade academic achievement can be an indicator of how students will fare through the remainder of their scholastic careers. The "Wheels for Education" program will be concentrated on kids who were like James -- hailing from single-parent homes and sometimes simply needing a bit of extra help. "Wheels for Education"會挑選一些像LeBron成長背景的孩子,單親家庭、或是比較需要 鼓勵的學生。 "What helped me in school was sports," James said. "When I was 8, 9, that was the first time I started playing organized sports and I had coaches around me that stressed education and not being allowed to play if we weren't doing our schoolwork or being at school on time, things like that." LeBron說: "體育是使我在學校學習的動力。我8、9歲的時候,第一次接觸團體運動,教練的指導 使我深刻體會教育的重要性。如果我們不遵守學校規定的事,例如沒做作業、不準時 到校之類的,我們就不能參與比賽。" As for the questions that kids ask -- and they do -- about why they need college if James didn't, he has a quick reply for them. "I'm still learning," James said. "Every day. I'm learning business. I'm learning finance. I'm learning a lot of things that help me in everyday life. I'm doing a lot of reading and I'm still improving as a student, even though I am a professional athlete." 如果有孩子問我,他們為什麼需要唸大學,而我也沒唸過大學,那我會立馬回應他~ "我每天仍在學習,我在學著做生意、學習財經方面的知識,我學這些對我每天的生活也很 有幫助,所以我會大量閱讀這方面的書籍。儘管我現在是職業運動員,但我就像個學生一 樣,有很多地方須要去改進。" Once a child completes the two-week camp this summer, he or she will receive a laptop, school supplies and a bike, made possible by HP, Nike and the LeBron James Family Foundation, among others. Plans call for the kids to continue getting support, in partnership with the Akron Public Schools, through their high school graduations. 大意是各家大公司跟LeBron的家扶基金會會贊助學校一些腳踏車、筆電。 "I've had the pleasure of watching LeBron grow as a player, and mature as a philanthropist," Akron mayor Donald Plusquellic said in a news release. "His new commitment to the Akron After School program is an investment that will pay dividends years to come because there is no investment more important than in the children whose circumstances he knows so well. ... He continues to be a role model for our youth for his accomplishments on and off the court." Akron市長客套的官方好話就略過好了 James said one of the program's goals for this year is to have the third-graders all reading at what would be at least a fourth-grade level. He's also busy with a number of other initiatives with kids this summer, mainly revolving around basketball: The LeBron James Skills Academy, which brings the nation's top 80 high school players, opened in Akron on Tuesday. "I let them ask me whatever they want to," James said. "Everything. Using my influence, using my experience, I can help them. And it's not always about basketball." "我會讓他們問我想知道的任何事。用我的影響力、經歷過的體驗幫助他們了解, 不是問籃球的也行。" Also on James' docket this summer: His "King's Academy" for kids age 7-17 starts in San Diego later this month, and he'll be on a Nike trip to China in August. 這個月,他還有一個為7~17歲的孩子舉辦的"King's Academy",地點在美國西岸的聖地牙 哥,然後八月去中國。 It sounds busy, but after last summer's whirlwind, this summer is downright breezy for James. For one, the NBA just entered a lockout, meaning next season is officially in jeopardy. A deal between owners and players could not be reached before a June 30 expiration of the most recent labor deal, and the sides are billions apart in their financial proposals. James averaged 26.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and 7.0 assists for the Heat during the regular season, and had the league's hottest-selling jersey. When the NBA comes back, James said he will be rested and ready. "If you compare this summer to last summer, it's night and day," James said. "I know I have a lot of work to do, on the court and off the court, this summer. I'm going on to another challenge, and I'm looking forward to it." 關於封館云云,LeBron說: "去年夏天跟今年,就好比黑夜跟白天的天壤之別。今年夏天不管是球場內還是球場外, 我都有許多工作要忙。未來面臨其他挑戰,我也會大步向前邁進。" 最後附上一張去年的活動照片 http://es.pn/qaTimf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liugayo 來自: (07/08 02:19)
wocow123:這篇新聞讓您覺得? 溫馨 07/08 02:25
wocow123:L大 太猛了 這幾天都是你的文章~ 給你一個 讚! 07/08 02:28
wade1223:哇靠是不是要出新低調了 ? 07/08 08:59
d88647511:LBJ的腳踏車活動的確行之有年 他也會順便發送文具和球鞋 07/08 10:56
d88647511:給家境不好的孩子 07/08 10:56
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