精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Ef1bU_y ] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 21世紀 NBA五大超級巨星 時間: Sun Oct 23 21:40:43 2011 Five star Kobe Bryant led the 21st century without a crown King James beat the third largest stone Buddha October 23rd, 2011 5. Allen Iverson In the NBA (microblogging) history, Iverson is unique, never a player which can play like him. Although, at the venue and off, are a lot of controversy about him. But objectively speaking, able height, want to win, to the perfect fusion of technology and speed, only Iverson. Do not forget, the Lakers (microblogging) glory to the 2000-2001 playoffs does not work, is the only Iverson them a taste of defeat. 在NBA歷史上,Iverson是獨一無二的,從來就沒有一個球員能像他那樣打球。 儘管場上場下,他的身邊總是圍繞著許多爭議。但客觀來說,能將身高、求勝慾望、 球技、速度融合至完美的,只有Iverson。別忘了,在湖人榮耀的2000-2001賽季, 是Iverson讓他們嚐到了季後賽唯一一敗。 4. Tim Duncan Into the 21st century, Duncan led the Spurs got the ball three city championship trophy, he also became the most powerful forward on this one. And different from other players on the list, Duncan may be the most low-key guy, he does not gossip, nor the world’s best track performance. He only can write textbooks technical and extremely cool head, these two aspects is difficult, and Duncan was able to match. 進入21世紀,Duncan率領馬刺拿下了三次總冠軍。他也成為了最具統治力的大前鋒之一。 和這榜單上其他人不同的是,Duncan可能是所有人中最低調的一位。他沒有八卦,也沒有 搶眼的球場表現,他有的只是能被寫入教科書般的技術和極度冷靜的頭腦。在這兩方面 很難有人能和石佛匹敵。 3. LeBron James List no championship on the second guy, although performance in the crucial race is not always satisfactory, but must admit James really is not a world of talent. Into the league eight years, James has been awarded to the soft, his all-around is to let the outside world exclaimed. For James, and now he alone is the lack of a championship and a Finals MVP. 這榜單上第二位沒有總冠軍的球員。儘管在關鍵時刻的表現並不能讓人滿意,但必須承認 LeBron的確是不世出的天才。進入聯盟八年以來,他已經得獎得到手軟,他的全能更是 讓外界一片驚呼。對LeBron來說,現下唯一缺的就只有總冠軍和總決賽MVP了。 2. Shaquille O’Neal Lakers three consecutive O’Neill the new century is withheld, the Heat (microblogging) in the case of 0-2 comeback win, but also thanks to O’Neill’ s existence. In NBA history, the dominant and funny combination of skill is probably the best player of O’Neal. But sadly, such a great center, but still only get once in 2000, MVP, this is definitely being discriminated against. 湖人新世紀的三連霸,Shaq是功不可沒的。熱火能在0:2的困境下翻盤,也多虧了Shaq 的存在。在NBA歷史上,能將統治力及搞笑合而為一的大概只有O'Neal了。但遺憾的是, 這麼好的一位中鋒竟然只在2000年拿了一次例行賽MVP,這肯定是種歧視。 1. Kobe Bryant The 21st century, won the highest number is Kobe, and he also named to the 21 century, every year since the All-Star team. In 2008, Bryant got the regular season MVP, and then attached took two Finals MVP. In the past 11 years, Bryant is the data, performance awards and champions the most perfect guy. Said he was the first king of the 21st century, not excessive. 整個21世紀,奪冠次數最多的就屬Kobe。他也入選了21世紀以來NBA每年的全明星隊。 2008年,Kobe拿下個人首個例行賽MVP,隨後又拿了兩個總決賽MVP。在過去11年裡, Kobe是在數據、獎項、和奪冠數方面表現最搶眼的球員。說他是21世紀第一個王者, 並不為過。 http://ppt.cc/k7PE -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
koriras :5名全被戰過…要吃宵夜了…(TD戰位置 10/23 21:42
wei781117 :戰吧~ 題材正火 是大歐 VS KOBE 10/23 21:43
tbmaker :中肯 10/23 21:46
rainingdayz :怎麼不貼第一段? 為什麼第一段有 "当红炸子鸡. " 10/23 21:47
SlamKai :無一不是戰神阿~~~ 10/23 21:49
shyshy :AI 跟下面四個比 根本是__ 10/23 21:49
iversonok :原來是拿獎拿到手軟的 10/23 21:52
zealeliot :LBJ>TD 這... 10/23 21:52
cheng399 :戰點真大 原po英文真好 10/23 21:54
nayoki :LBJ不可能放在TD上面的 差太多了 10/23 22:01
delete4067 :太扯了,kobe和LBJ居然比當肯高,03和07是誰贏啊? 10/23 22:07
bahamutuh :看到 KB和LBJ>TD 就END了 10/23 22:09
Hastings :歐肥跟TD真衰 10/23 22:17
sd5566 :歐肥>TD>LBJ>AI>其他 10/23 22:21
chinhan1216 :WADE>AI 10/23 22:22
LBJ23 :要是Kobe沒有大歐跟Horry 恐怕沒有一個冠軍 10/23 22:22
cuteboy70 :看到LBJ>TD就可以end了 0冠竟然可以>3冠? 10/23 22:27
LBJ23 :居然沒有五冠的Fisher? 10/23 22:28
rahim1211 :4冠 10/23 22:28
rahim1211 :我說TD 10/23 22:28
ak0209 :樓上沒看到寫21世紀 10/23 22:30
kohinata :第一名應該是Horry吧 10/23 22:33
ckpioneer :若Duncan的1999冠軍算20世紀 SO>KB>TD勉強可以接受. 10/23 22:33
ckpioneer :除了09 10大歐衰退外..沒有可以解釋為何KB>SO.. 10/23 22:34
delete4067 :這我還是不能接受,就像說老皮6冠比歐拉兩冠強一樣扯 10/23 22:35
kshs930709 :這種排名都馬SF/SG先贏一半 10/23 22:38
avrilrock :TD必推 10/23 22:39
krajicek :Wade也只差一個MVP就完美了,還比LBJ多一個冠軍 10/23 22:47
van2003 :如果是論冠軍數,LBJ>TD根本不合理,如果論主宰程度, 10/23 22:51
Jefa910 :這篇完全不中肯 10/23 22:52
van2003 :KOBE也未必贏過大歐,TD,這實在不甚客觀 10/23 22:52
MopeHank :TD跟大歐 沒啥好戰的 KB要戰的只有名次而已... 10/23 22:52
Broli :不談數據的排名 一直以來都是選人氣的 10/23 22:55
cowbay1000 :歐肥 td lbj ai 沒有其他 10/23 22:55
justlovekiss:雖然我愛kobe 我愛lbj 我愛ai 但 KG呢?TMAC呢? 10/23 22:57
jasonkau :現在在談判桌上努力奮鬥的老漁也5枚戒指 10/23 22:59
shwkz :LBJ可以安心打啦 老史馬龍還不是沒冠軍戒 照樣名人堂 10/23 23:04
wei781117 :樓樓上..名額也才5個 選別的你還是會噓吧 10/23 23:05
nbcb :瞎透了...07被剃光頭還可以排在前面...看是不敢恭維 10/23 23:05
nbcb :真* 10/23 23:06
baaken : 10/23 23:08
holahola001 :把Yi放在哪裡? 10/23 23:10
shwkz :如果把LBJ拿掉 要補誰進TOP5? 10/23 23:11
fact : 10/23 23:12
NightElf :Dirk 10/23 23:14
freijaking :TD > ONeal > Kobe > AI LBJ 10/23 23:27
freijaking :歐肥最強較強, 但各方面Overall包含時間應該TD最屌 10/23 23:28
nicso :21世紀只有kobe是跟jordan比 其他都是跟kobe比... 10/23 23:32
kshs930709 :f大 雖然我也比較偏TD 但是歐肥第14季還有20/9喔 10/23 23:36
kshs930709 :反觀TD第14季(今年)只剩下13.4/9左右 比耐戰的話歐肥 10/23 23:37
kshs930709 :強多囉 10/23 23:37
ripmelo :DIRK在哪裡? 10/23 23:39
ChaosK :Kobe跟jordan比是因為都學他,不然還有TD大歐兩大天 10/23 23:53
ChaosK :王在,Kobe哪能越級打怪 10/23 23:54
cs0917066585:1.ONeal 2.TD 3.KOBE 4.KG 5.LBJ 10/24 00:09
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 IVERSON 10/24 00:15 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 10/24/2011 00:16:35