精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FD7Jeq4 ] 作者: TiangLei (天淚~ 磊哥) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 魔獸:我跟寶傑當時一樣 時間: Fri Feb 10 09:37:41 2012 Dwight Howard says he's like LeBron James February 9, 2012 Dwight Howard sees a lot of similarities between him and LeBron James, two of the NBA's most dominant players who have been to the NBA Finals but still haven't won a championship. 魔獸發現他跟寶傑有很多相似之處... 兩個聯盟最有主宰力的球員 相似點1:進過冠軍賽 但 0冠 "Both of us are chasing it," Howard said after his Magic stomped the Miami Heat 102-89 Wednesday night. "We've gotten all the individual awards, all the accolades, but not the championship. And the reason most of us are playing the game is to win a championship." 魔獸: 我們倆(惺惺相惜情不自禁)都很想追求冠軍QQ 追求冠軍是我們打球的動力 Howard had just dominated James and the Heat. He had 25 points and 25 rebounds, leading his team to a start-to-finish victory which showed just how good the Magic can be when everything clicks. DH剛打爆LBJ的熱火禁區 拿下雙25 With Howard attracting so much attention around the basket, and moving the ball well on the perimeter, the Magic took a franchise record 42 3-point shots. They made 17. And they cruised to victory. 魔獸吸引大量防守者的注意力 讓魔術三分球17-42 射翻熱火 "When we play like that, we can play with anyone," said forward Ryan Anderson, who made 5-of-11 3-point shots. "We can be pretty good." 小安 Ryan Anderson說:我們每天若能這麼準 當然感覺良好的可以跟任何對手競爭 Anderson had a team-high 27 points. He gave the Magic the second scoring option they have been looking for behind Howard. 小安得了全隊最高27分 幾乎是DH之後的第二得分點 The Magic, who lost in overtime Monday night to the Los Angeles Clippers, return to action Friday against Atlanta, their third real test of the week. The Hawks beat the Magic in the playoffs last season, which eventually led to Howard's request to be traded, which has disrupted the franchise. 之前魔術連敗 導致魔獸要求交易 http://goo.gl/GFEPC 心得: 寶傑克利夫蘭小市場不想待 魔獸在佛州 也不想待 所以不是市場問題了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
doiverson :所以要加入熱火了嗎 02/10 09:38
krajicek :佛州不是小市場,只是沒那麼瘋籃球而已 02/10 09:38
tknamco :一起去熱火啦,超可怕 XD 02/10 09:40
kullan :魔獸是在向寶傑示好嗎XD 02/10 09:41
cat0806 :幫補來源 http://goo.gl/GFEPC 02/10 09:41
感謝 我忘了補QQ
serendipity :推LBJ的仁德 已漸漸收服魔獸和摳比了 02/10 09:42
ksk0516 :Bosh+配菜 for DH 02/10 09:43
a2364983 :熱火宣布KOBE跟DH加入 (!?) 02/10 09:43
ilovep827 :kobe lbj wade dh bosh 還要打嗎 xd 02/10 09:45
davidex :寶傑,我跟你說 02/10 09:45
MINAMIKE : 你媽的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ讚!? 02/10 09:47
ck950643 : West表示同意 02/10 09:47
pounil :所以他想學LBJ 組巨頭 (自打嘴巴??) 02/10 09:47
※ 編輯: TiangLei 來自: (02/10 09:48)
eccentricer :五巨頭 LBJ+Wade+Bosh+kobe+DH !! 02/10 09:51
Dcwei :如果組成樓上的五巨頭 NBA都給他們玩就飽啦 02/10 09:58
BignoZe :魔獸換anthony 雙贏 02/10 09:59
prog :加入熱火世界無敵了吧 02/10 09:59
Linethan :倘若加入熱火拿到冠軍 不知道後世會給他們什麼評價 02/10 10:01
mabirex :老降低新+入熱火阿 02/10 10:02
Dcwei :不曉得這種陣容打不打得贏夢1 02/10 10:02
a9527a :魔獸是不是說過他絕對不會加入熱火?! 02/10 10:06
Tigerbiglow :打不贏~因為球都在摳比手上~~ 02/10 10:06
bbdirty5566 :當初科比靠歐肥拿冠軍又有什麼評價? 02/10 10:08
Witting :魔獸沒說要去熱火啊 是要寶傑來魔術的意思 XD 02/10 10:12
davieweb :DH應該是暗示寶傑他也想去熱火組團 02/10 10:13
steven610381:DH換LBJ 雙贏 02/10 10:14
davieweb :跟寶傑提出++的請求 油頭:好吧 把JA施捨給魔術好了 02/10 10:14
yellowboy :在為去熱火撲梗 Wade 掰 02/10 10:15
Ommmmm :給他100萬 來熱火 02/10 10:15
wolve :為啥不是寶節來魔術 熱火本位思考? 02/10 10:16
davieweb :大膽預測 JA+miller 換 DH+Redick 雙贏 02/10 10:17
dingdong103 :之後也打算現場轉播轉隊實況嗎XD? 02/10 10:18
d88647511 :太好笑了 當初是誰一直批評LBJ還說絕不跟他一樣 02/10 10:29
attdave :我看以後冠軍就頒給全明星隊好了 反正那些球星只想 02/10 10:33
attdave :給自己增添榮耀 前輩們為了球隊/城市拼冠的風範 02/10 10:35
attdave :在現在這些人身上完全看不到了 02/10 10:35
davieweb :樓上這種老人想法對年輕人不適用 這就是代溝~ 02/10 10:40
Clyde0910 :玩2K12把Mourning跟Tim Hardaway丟進去熱火 02/10 10:42
jtrsp :去打奧運搞不好可以弄個"世界明星隊VS邁阿密熱火隊 02/10 10:42
Clyde0910 :模擬結果得了75W=.= 02/10 10:43
DRUIDMOSHU :過去的球隊城市對於市場不知道有沒有現在影響這麼大? 02/10 10:43
DRUIDMOSHU :其實人總是會從歷史學習...如果過去的冠軍都是某種類 02/10 10:44
DRUIDMOSHU :型的組合,現在自然會有人想仿效,如果過去冠軍都在 02/10 10:44
DRUIDMOSHU :大城市,現在人也會挑選大城市進駐....人類的天賦 02/10 10:45
Amilous :The Decision魔獸版? 02/10 10:53
attdave :(攤手)如果NBA的年輕明星願意拿底薪集合起來拿冠軍 02/10 10:55
attdave :那也不能說完全不可以 問題是要錢又要明星隊友又要冠 02/10 10:56
attdave :除了"直接頒給你算了" 我也不知道該怎麼滿足這些人 02/10 10:57
attdave :這樣的冠軍 很難讓人感動啊... 02/10 10:58
d88647511 :樓上快點爆料誰用靈魂交易數據了 02/10 11:04
attdave :沒有耶 數據用刷的就可以了 還用不著賣靈魂 02/10 11:10
d88647511 :那就是有人用靈魂交易開火權限 02/10 11:11
attdave :也不用啊 看看老大 他的靈魂本身就有無限開火權XDD 02/10 11:16
marfu :想也知道DH不可能去熱火阿... 02/10 11:22
cutecoffee :把bosh換掉! 02/10 11:22
QQCandy :Howard在鋪路了,bosh+1換Howard吧 02/10 11:26
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 02/10/2012 11:28:07
BossHsu:當時還糗LBJ是怎樣呀? 02/14 12:37