精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FIblam6 ] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] LeBron認為自己的球風類似Magic Johnson 時間: Mon Feb 27 00:20:50 2012 “Champions come in different shapes, sizes and forms,” James said. “ Everyone always compares Kobe to Jordan and says they always have had that killer mentality. They always had that dagger, that dog. Then you look at Magic [Johnson], and people say that he was fun to play with. He was great. He always had his teammates’ back. He always got his teammates involved. He was a champion as well. LeBron表示:「冠軍球員有不同的形狀、大小及類型,每個人都拿Kobe和Jordan做比較, 說他們具有殺手特質,總是承擔起球隊的進攻責任。你再看看Magic Johnson,大家都說和他打球很有趣。他很偉大,總能挺他的隊友,總能 讓隊友參與到戰術中,他也是個冠軍。」 “They come in different shapes and sizes and forms and different colors as well. For me, I see myself on the side of the Magic range where I love my teammates, love being around them. I want them to be happy as well. At the same time, dominate the game, as well. I got a long way to go still to get to [Jordan’s and Bryant’s] levels to get multiple championships. Hopefully, I can get there someday.” 「他們是不同類型的球員,對我來說,我認為自己像是Magic Johnson這種類型。 因為我愛我的隊友,我喜歡和他們在一起,想讓他們開心。與此同時,我也希望 統治比賽。要到達像Jordan和Kobe這樣多個總冠軍的層級,我還有很長的路要走。 希望有一天,我能達成這個目標。」 http://goo.gl/Ww6XC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hit10116 :都很作弊 02/27 00:22
fan10401 :自肥= = 02/27 00:22
kblover :魔術不會走步 但是你會 02/27 00:22
joffeter :魔術第四節都活得好好的 02/27 00:22
james1201 :===========老大比較像JORDAN 就說了吧========= 02/27 00:23
ccl007 :魔術就算隊上中鋒受傷 他照樣一肩扛起勝敗當中鋒! 02/27 00:23
asdfgodsam :說實在傳球能力根本是不同等級的... 02/27 00:23
laiyuhao :有人就有說LBJ=魔術 DIRK=大鳥 02/27 00:23
ghostl40809 :好險你沒魔術帥 02/27 00:24
Bonaqua :體型像而已... 02/27 00:24
asdfgodsam :lbj還是像自己最好 生化人硬輾硬爆 02/27 00:24
d88647511 :像而已 又沒說同等級 KOBE像喬丹 所以KOBE=喬丹? 02/27 00:24
Trumen :都可以從一號打到五號 02/27 00:24
timlaker :KOBE愛學MJ LBJ只有像自己~~ 02/27 00:25
d88647511 :哈孝遠也像糖果人 02/27 00:25
like1259 :LBJ 就是 LBJ 02/27 00:25
Jason0813 :魔術不像生化人阿 02/27 00:25
chinhan1216 :他跟歐肥比較像吧 都是用體能碾壓對手 02/27 00:26
freijaking :我也滿像Melo的阿 只是大概是他0.0072%的實力 02/27 00:26
dogbekober :LBJ打的是霸氣籃球,一點都不elegant。 02/27 00:26
danielof8250:你根本就是LBJ劉寶傑 02/27 00:26
Spartan117 :不像.. 02/27 00:27
snoopyleo :LBJ有金黃色的霸氣 02/27 00:27
a7891 :我長的像林書豪0.0/ 02/27 00:27
Spartan117 :James沒有魔術的頭腦 魔術沒有James的體能 02/27 00:27
freijaking :其實LBJ像Brock Lesnar, Kobe像John Cena 02/27 00:29
oicecnir :魔術:喵的就是沒寶傑你的身材條件才打PG啊.. 02/27 00:30
oicecnir :有身高又那麼壯..跑步又TURBO..跳靠北的高..打啥PG 02/27 00:31
jack19931993:他只是變相的說自己不愛自幹 酸某些愛自幹的例如... 02/27 00:31
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 02/27/2012 00:31:59
BossHsu:魔術的得分跟LBJ差很大吧!!! 02/28 13:41