精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FNuZGpw ] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] D.Wilkins表示想看LBJ參加灌籃大賽 時間: Wed Mar 14 01:50:06 2012 Wilkins hopes to see LeBron in dunk contest March 12, 2012 MIAMI — Dominique Wilkins was one of the greatest dunkers ever. Now, he's like a fan. Dominique Wilkins是史上最好的扣將之一,如今他可像個殷切期盼的粉絲。 Like so many others, Wilkins hopes Miami Heat forward LeBron James one day will enter the dunk contest during All-Star Weekend. 就像很多人一樣,Wilkins希望LeBron James有一天能參加灌籃大賽。 "I'd love to see him do it," said the Hall of Famer. "I think he would win it. I really do." Wilkins表示:我很想看他參加灌籃大賽,我認為他會贏,我真的這樣認為。 "I think it's disappointing that all the great players that have athleticism don't get in it," said Wilkins, now a Hawks executive and television analyst. "For whatever reason, there's so much going on that weekend, for whatever reason guys just don't to do it anymore. . . . I'd like to see Josh Smith (who won in 2005 for the Hawks) get back in it." 「有很多擁有良好運動能力的好球員都不參加灌籃大賽,太令人失望了。 不管什麼理由,全明星週末上還有這麼多事情,無論如何他們都不參加......。 我很想看到Josh Smith(05年冠軍)重回灌籃大賽。」 http://goo.gl/SzzCb 心得:Nate Robinson:我早就準備好了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cat0806 來自: (03/14 01:51)
CCFACE :我討厭那句心得無誤XD 03/14 01:51
benkidd :LBJ根本怕輸不敢參加吧..... 03/14 01:53
aff0021 :老大不參加? 這樣才能追平喬丹紀錄阿... 03/14 01:55
chris80634 :跳豆滾吧 有夠難看 03/14 01:55
whoolan :跳豆你自盡吧.. 03/14 02:04
DKGodman :LBJ:我的偉大還需要灌籃大賽冠軍?那是給沒紅的人參加 03/14 02:10
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 03/14/2012 02:11:39
WineVault:我希望他拿到戒指後再參加 XD 03/14 08:13
nctucch17170:拿到戒指 要做啥都ok啦 03/14 10:16
w61036:希望永遠都不要參加 感覺參加那麼風險很大 03/14 18:53
w61036:為了冠軍 做一些平常不敢嘗試的動作很危險.. 03/14 18:54