精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FPTsWsn ] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 一陌生男子聲稱是LeBron生父? 時間: Sun Mar 18 21:05:33 2012 LeBron Involved In New Paternity Case — Another Man Claims To Be King’s Father Mar 16 2012 Who is LeBron James father? This question is often asked, especially when a paternity claim is filed. In July 2010 a man claimed to be LeBron’s father came forward — The case was eventually thrown out of court. Fast forward to today, and another man is claiming paternity. Our source tells us this,”Well I work for a man in The Bahamas who claims to be Lebrons Biological father and I have emails to a DNA case worker, Lebron’s agent and a letter written from this man to Lebron. I also have Fedex airway bills proving that the cheque for the DNA and the letter for Lebron did arrive. He flew into Florida last weekend to do his half of the DNA. I dont know this could be a good scoop considering that Lebron doesnt know this gentleman. This gentleman claims that Lebron’s mom came to the Bahamas got pregnant and that he has tried to reach her but failed” LeBron’s search for his real father might have something to do with his ongoing search for a Ring. This could be the missing piece to the puzzle. To check out the emails continue reading. -TO 大意: LeBron James的父親是誰?這問題經常被提起,特別是鬧到要索賠的時候。 2010年7月,有一男子自稱自己是LeBron生父,但最終他的案件被法院駁回。 根據消息來源透露:「我為一個來自巴哈馬群島的人工作,他聲稱自己是LeBron的生父, 我手裡有包括負責DNA檢測工作的人員和LeBron經紀人來往的Email,還有這個男子寫給 LeBron的信件。上週末LeBron飛去佛羅里達做關於他的DNA檢測,不過LeBron並不認識 這名男子」 該消息源還聲稱,LeBron的母親就是在巴哈馬群島懷上LeBron的,該名男子試圖想聯繫 Gloria James,但是毫無下文。 記者笑稱LeBron尋找生父的過程和他追求冠軍戒差不多,已成為一道難題了。 http://goo.gl/xCvUs 太上皇:我在世界樹的頂端等你! 為什麼LBJ都會遇到這種烏龍......?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cat0806 來自: (03/18 21:06)
hawk920412 :.........來搶錢的吧 03/18 21:06
sdfsonic :我是你爸 去賣火柴 03/18 21:06
xw668 :不是烏龍 擺明是來拿錢的 單親家庭的名人很多這種事 03/18 21:06
joeyer :West? 03/18 21:07
kauw :WEST又要中招了 03/18 21:07
kmwace :west:等你成為真正的獵人就會見到你爸 03/18 21:07
Jefa910 :不意外 03/18 21:07
RainCityBoy :黑人很多都馬這樣 射後不理 等孩子有名後 才來巴大腿 03/18 21:08
Mafty :看第四節會不會隱形就知道啦 03/18 21:09
uart :待會的推文不意外..... 03/18 21:09
unmeinohito :不知道那個生父身材好不好 03/18 21:09
boombo :要錢無誤 03/18 21:09
yellowboy :釣魚囉 03/18 21:10
like1259 :純噓4F 03/18 21:10
Tmmontal :電腦電腦,我想問我親生爸爸是誰...... 03/18 21:10
dragon8332 : 來開賭盤吧 03/18 21:10
EV1L :他爸去世界的外側了 兩年候才會回來 03/18 21:10
max52001 :寶傑他媽 好不容易把他養大 結果老北回來分錢 XD 03/18 21:11
andrewyllee :你名義老爸在小牛 他非常火 03/18 21:12
blockline :WEST XDXD 03/18 21:12
blockline : andrewyllee 哈哈 好笑 03/18 21:12
flicker36 :LBJ的媽媽是到處被播種喔 03/18 21:13
blockline :他現在拿刀在你後面 03/18 21:13
edward5566 :LBJ的老爸一定也很壯 03/18 21:13
ooxxman :打籃球找老爸 I'm your father! 03/18 21:13
szuta :Lebron's dad travelled. 03/18 21:14
liu2007 :貓科無效!! 03/18 21:14
kevev :WEST: 敢和老子搶 03/18 21:14
DASHOCK :功夫灌籃? 03/18 21:15
frozenmoon :WEST? 03/18 21:15
vivikgk :LBJ: 又來了.... 03/18 21:15
oicecnir :中國古裝劇是吧..乾隆老爸是誰 03/18 21:16
a00779928 :果列努表示: 03/18 21:17
ee77 :那就要滴血認親! 03/18 21:17
bfetter :暑假可以做個尋父紀錄片了 03/18 21:18
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 03/18/2012 21:18:46
wii128:無聊 03/18 21:21
zone12:幹 一群白癡 拿人家父親開玩笑好玩嗎? 03/18 21:30
zone12:今天我拿他們父母開玩笑它們絕對笑不出來 03/18 21:30
ZeyuWang:純噓4F 03/19 11:26