精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Fin_-9U ] 作者: ookkla (寅) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 妙麗與小皇帝的衝突(圖) 時間: Wed May 16 11:33:15 2012 原文:http://www.cbssports.com/nba/blog/eye-on-basketball/19056878 LeBron James and Danny Granger double-technical after kerfuffle in Pacers-Heat Game 2 Pacers-Heat is getting testy. Moments after Dwyane Wade gave Darren Collison a flagrant foul in the fourth quarter of Game 2, Danny Granger came over the top of LeBron James, landing with his elbow around James' neck. In response, James elbowed Granger in the ribs and then started to swing towards his head. You wonder if he had connected if we would have another Metta World Peace and James Harden situation. Granger and James both received technical fouls for the incident, and initially personal fouls, but those were later rescinded. Had James connected with that higher elbow, it could have been bad. You can understand James being upset because of the contact to his upper body and neck, but the league is really sensitive towards elbow swipes to the head. As long as the league considers that he restrained himself to stop it, he won't face any further punishment. This thing's getting personal. 小皇帝與妙麗槓上了:http://0rz.tw/tJzse 心得: 這樣才有季後賽的感覺 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cedy4513 :頭帶!!! 05/16 11:33
nagisanoff :葛萊分多扣10分 05/16 11:33
slamblock15 :重點:髮線XD 05/16 11:34
cat0806 :LBJ:硍!你把我頭帶弄掉了!!! 妙麗:送!!!!!!! 05/16 11:34
MaRiaNi :妙麗好像也常喜歡放話 能拿出成績是很精采 反之就 05/16 11:34
LAKERsBryant:獅子不是葛萊分多的吉祥物嗎... 05/16 11:35
lword :LBJ還是別把頭帶拿掉 05/16 11:35
l23 :故意使人露出髮線!! 05/16 11:36
pounil :感覺會打架 煙硝味逐漸上昇中 05/16 11:36
PiGFAcE :妙麗一定在柯柯笑 因為他是個阿宅 05/16 11:37
PiGFAcE:轉錄至看板 PACERS 05/16 11:37
www90173 :禿禿 05/16 11:38
azndevil26 :LBJ: EO4 撕髮迫害!!!! 司法不公!!!!!!! 05/16 11:38
azndevil26 :LBJ拿掉頭戴跟JA真的滿像的-.- 05/16 11:39
KevinLoveYou:James應該會打贏 05/16 11:39
liang0906 :照片看起來像是LBJ被妙麗嚇到XD 05/16 11:40
wwywwy :妙麗加油! 幹掉愛演戲的走步王! 05/16 11:41
mscmobitai :小皇帝去打拳賽應該也是很有看頭 05/16 11:43
iori35i :=================天龍八部vs去去武器走============ 05/16 11:45
sonofnitch :妙麗弱又愛裝得很強大 想看妙麗被LBJ__爆 05/16 11:46
truth76901 :這照片..  LBJ:你怎麼可以扯掉我的頭帶(驚訝貌) 05/16 11:46
mcjesus7204 :妙麗就髒啊,之前LBJ在騎士也有過一次。今天有重播 05/16 11:47
dickyman : 不同等級不知在秋什... 05/16 11:47
Amilous :妙麗根本被LBJ電爽的 下一輪的小AI應該也差不多 05/16 11:47
waynecode :誰是妙麗? 05/16 11:48
max52001 :嗆寶傑 火大這系列爆發 溜馬擋得住嗎 XD 05/16 11:48
hss512 :葛萊分多加十分 05/16 11:48
Walden :Lbj真丟臉 05/16 11:48
PaulChris :LBJ: 太陽拳!! 05/16 11:55
KobeIchiro :妙麗下一輪準備被一咕擊墜吧 05/16 12:11
uf1276 :這張圖我覺得他們兩個塊打kiss 05/16 12:18
pounil :今天靠WEST GRANGER兩場都被LBJ完爆 05/16 12:30
szuta :詹姆斯髮線扣十公分 05/16 12:32
evan700607 :站LBJ旁邊的妙麗像瘦皮猴 05/16 12:53
eminem0619 :前一張圖 科比是螳螂拳嗎 05/16 13:15
bfetter :去去髮線走 05/16 13:34
ePaper :甲甲 不意外 05/16 14:35
MAGICMCGRADY:科科,妙麗只會整天放話,然後對位被打爆..再嗆阿 05/16 15:33
MAGICMCGRADY:連Melo跟他對位都可以電他電假的還不自量力 05/16 15:33
hss512 :可惜樓上深愛的Melo第一輪就掰了 對位不到 哭哭喔~ 05/16 20:16
hss512 :起碼溜馬這兩場都是最後關頭分出勝負 險勝險敗各一場 05/16 20:18
hss512 :跟上一輪前兩戰加起來總共慘敗43分的強多了 05/16 20:19
ziggurat :XDDDDDDDD 05/16 22:49
NorthernStar:沒有想到尼克都被淘汰了,結果還有球迷出來放話 XD 05/16 23:39
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 05/17/2012 01:25:08