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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FrTu-zu ] 作者: loserkobe (喪家犬科比) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 總冠軍賽主場有多麼的重要? 時間: Mon Jun 11 20:02:03 2012 NBA Playoff Schedule 2012: How Important Is Home Court in Heat vs Thunder Final? By Alex Hall (Featured Columnist) on June 10, 2012 The Oklahoma City Thunder and Miami Heat will be broken down every which way leading up to and throughout the 2012 NBA Finals, but home court is a stat sometimes overlooked. That stat can safely be forgotten in this series though, as neither fanbase creates a disruptive atmosphere for the opposition. 雷霆和熱火將會在整個總決賽過程中力所能及的使用那些行之有效的戰術。但是,主場是 他們最容易忽視掉的東西。主場優勢很容易被忘掉,是因為這兩方球迷都不會為客隊製造 出一種令人窒息的氣氛。 For too long I've heard the talk about how Oklahoma City has such great fans, but in all my times of watching Thunder basketball, its fanbase never seemed overly lively to me. 很長段時間以來,我都不斷聽到說奧克拉荷瑪城擁有偉大的球迷,但是從我看雷霆的比賽 情況來看,他們的球迷從來都沒有讓我感覺到有多麼活躍。 To be fair to OKC, its only had the Thunder for four years now so that's somewhat of an excuse. The Heat fans have had their franchise for quite some time now, but they just don't get rowdy enough to make a difference. 對於奧克拉荷瑪城,客觀地說,雷霆才來到這座城市有四年之久,這也算得上是一個藉口 。熱火的球迷對自己主隊的擁護已經有一段時間了,但他們的噓聲和乾擾聲還是沒有造成 多大的影響。 If there is a team with an advantage in the home-court department, it's Miami, but only if its fans keep the tenacity level up. 如果一定要說有哪支球隊在主場具有優勢,那就是邁阿迷熱火了。當然,這僅僅是在球迷 保持在高度興奮的情況下。 Kris Anderson—a local Heat fan—talked a bit about the phenomenon to George Richards of the Miami Herald: 熱火一個叫Kris Anderson的當地球迷,他談到了一些邁阿密熱火發言人George Richards 的現象: I’ve had trouble getting rid of tickets in the past but people have been calling me since Thursday night to see if they could come with me to see [the Eastern Conference Finals]. “過去我一直都在想辦法賣掉我的球票,但是到了星期四,我的朋友打電話告訴我他們能 和我一起去觀看東部決賽。” The Thunder's Western Conference champions gear might be flying off the shelves in Oklahoma City—according to Jeniffer Palmer of the Oklahoman—but wearing shirts to a game and sitting quietly doesn't help a team win the NBA Finals. Jeniffer Palmer說,雷霆拿到西部冠軍的動力在OKC可能會繼續飆升,但是穿著球館所發 的T-shirt安靜地坐在那裡的球迷是不能幫助球隊贏下總冠軍的。 The city may love its new team; I can't say otherwise as I've never visited Oklahoma. However, there's a difference between supporting your team and vocally helping your team win a game. OKC可能很熱愛他們的這支新隊伍;除此之外我不能再說過多的了,因為我從來沒到過奧克拉 荷瑪。但是,支持你喜歡的球隊和用聲音來幫助你喜歡的球隊獲勝是有區別的。 All that being said, both teams don't have a fanbase that can truly rattle the players on the court the way New York's or Los Angeles' supporters can. 再說回來,這兩支球隊都沒有像紐約或者洛杉磯那樣雲集眾多擁簇的可以真正影響到球員 的支持基礎。 LeBron James isn't going to miss any free throws in the fourth quarter due to the waving arms of Thunder fans, and Russell Westbrook won't be rattled by "let's go Heat!" chants down on South Beach. LBJ不會在第四節因為雷霆球迷揮舞手臂而錯失掉任何罰球,而Westbrook也不會因為在 邁阿密上“Let's go HEAT”的呼聲而亂了陣腳。 This finals will be won by the team who wants it more and puts together consistent play. 本次的總決賽,勝利將最終走向對其更加渴望能夠打出更加穩定表現的球隊。 來源: http://ppt.cc/60bo 翻譯: http://bbs.hupu.com/3816609.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bee12 :放屁 裁判最重要 06/11 20:02
madhate :結果後面2段到底在說啥 06/11 20:04
jokem :OKC OKC OKC 06/11 20:05
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 06/11/2012 20:05:25