精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1GVNE77I ] 作者: ookkla (虎) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] LeBron: King of the Rings.惡搞漫畫 時間: Tue Oct 16 22:47:33 2012 原文:http://tinyurl.com/crofc7k Marvel’s new LeBron James comic book is out there. Literally. Honestly, I’m not quite sure what to say here. We’ll start at the beginning: Marvel and ESPN have teamed up for a new LeBron James comic book, which you can now check out on your iPad or Internet enabled device of choice. This has been in the works for a while and is titled “LeBron: King of the Rings.” Marvel 與 ESPN 攜手合作,出了一本以詹皇為主題的惡搞漫畫,現在在網路或 IPAD可以下載。而這本書的主題為:LeBron James 指環之王 It’s about everything LeBron has to do to keep winning those rings he talked about back at that 2010 pep rally. But it’s played very over-the-top, tongue firmly implanted in cheek, which makes it sort of work for me. I mean, it’s hard to go wrong with zombie Shane Battier. Or Russell Westbrook adding a robot arm. Or.. I don’t want to spoil it, but you get the idea. 因為當時記者會,他宣告"not 1 not 2....."所以他朝著這個目標邁進。 裡面有很多惡搞情節,像是Battier變成殭屍了,或是Westbrook裝上生化手臂, 那是作者想像在多年後發生的事情。 最後一段結尾是這樣的: There are three seconds left in Game 7 of the NBA Finals in 2030, and LeBron's Akron team is down by one. LeBron, now 45 years old, is trying to win his eighth NBA title and playing in what will be the final game of his career. He's triple-teamed when a teammate cuts to the basket. Shoot the ball? Pass to his teammate? 2030年冠軍賽的第七戰,LBJ已經45歲了,他為了他的第八座冠軍奮戰, 讀秒階段,落後一分,他該如何抉擇呢? 籃下的那個人是.....XD http://channel.pixnet.net/sport/photo/games/pic/204300323 -- 簡單翻譯版本: http://channel.pixnet.net/sport/photo/games/pic/204295795 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Mafty :不可質疑汝的__________ 10/16 22:50
knight210497:可比 10/16 22:51
flicker36 :畫錯了 頭髮應該禿光了才對 10/16 22:55
tn00706223 :Kobe只有兩句XDD Shot the xxxx ball 10/16 23:05
lowatre :Man, that's messed up. XDDDDDD 10/16 23:06
GAIEGAIE :太機車了XDDD 10/16 23:06
kawo :KD:Man, that's messed up. 10/16 23:09
godsing :怎麼都是雷霆隊 = = 10/16 23:24
xhole :後面找老人重組那邊好好笑XDDD 10/16 23:31
Maxslack :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/16 23:31
dream1285201:老大!! 10/16 23:38
Altair :XDDDDDDDDDDD 10/16 23:50
cancerboy78 :最後到騎士組Big7:Nash,Kobe,Durant,Bosh,Wade,小蟲 10/16 23:53
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 10/16/2012 23:54:10