精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Source : http://0rz.tw/qmRIB Execs: Lakers Want To Be In Play For LeBron In 2014 翻譯by巴拉圭 The Los Angeles Lakers are positioning the franchise to pursue LeBron James in 2014, according to the thinking of several executives from rival teams. 根據消息指出,多位其他球隊的高層認為洛杉磯湖人隊將會在2014年追逐 LeBron James。 James can opt out of his contract as soon as 2014. James在2014年合約將期滿。 The Lakers are on pace to have enough cap space to sign a maximum contract player like James as the contracts of Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Metta World Peace, Steve Blake and Jordan Hill expire following the 13-14 season. 湖人也似乎特別讓所有目前球員的合約在2014到期,如Kobe Bryant、Pau Gasol 、Metta World Peace、Steve Blake和Jordan Hill合約都將在2014年到期。屆時 湖人將會有很大的薪資與空間可以簽下LeBron James。 "It's not a mistake that all those deals end the same year Kobe's does. They have probably been planning for their next phase for a while," said one general manager. "The Busses and [Lakers GM] Mitch [Kupchak] are always thinking about the next big deal." 其中一位不具名人士表示 : "所有大合約如Kobe的都會在2014年到期,這絕對不是 偶然或是碰巧,很明顯是計畫有一段時間了。Busses家族[湖人GM]和Mitch Kupchak 永遠常常都會有出乎大家意料之外的舉動"。 James has given no indication that he is interested in leaving the Heat, but he is still expected to opt out in 2014 since he is not currently on a true max contract. James本人目前並有任何關於他個人將可能會離開熱火的可能,但LeBron確實在 2014年有選擇離開或留下的權力。LeBron目前的合約不在頂薪。 "The agent part probably doesn't matter. LeBron is the best player in the league and he's making less than the max, so unless he's seriously hurt he's going to opt out in 2014, if only because I would assume he wants and deserves to get a true max," said one league executive. "Even if the Heat win the next two titles there's a feeling that LeBron is going to become a free agent in two years no matter what." 不具名高層表示 : "LeBron可是當今聯盟最強的球員,但他的薪資卻不是這樣。 除非這幾年間LeBron受傷,否則我認為LeBron將會在2014年離開熱火,不過前提 是他有在意金錢的部分。我認為不管接下來熱火是否會在連霸我依然有感覺LeBron 會在2014嘗試成為自由球員"。 -- ▄◣ ██▉██◣██▉██▉█◣▉ ◢█ █▇ █▇▉█▇▉◥▉  K   ◥█ ██▉█▇▉█▇▉█◥◣██▉   ▆▆ █▉◢█◣██◣██▉◢██ ◣ ◢▆▃▁ ≡≡ ▃ ▉█▇▉█▇ ◥█◣ JAMES ███▅▅▄▄) (◥█▉█▇▉██◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: