精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Source : http://0rz.tw/LFOF1 LeBron Has Transformed Offensive Approach With Heat 翻譯by巴拉圭 LeBron James' game is much different as he enters his third season with the Miami Heat in comparison to the way he played during his tenure with the Cleveland Cavaliers. 即將在熱火邁入第三賽季的LeBron James,打法早就和以前在騎士隊時完全不同。 “Totally different,” Erik Spoelstra said. “He has completely transformed himself as a basketball player. And in the process, he has completely transformed us.” Eric Spoelstra 表示 : "完全不同。LeBron把自己變成一位更加優秀的球員。但 同時,他也提升了隊友的能力"。 James played from the outside-in while with the Cavaliers, attacking from the perimeter in one-on-one isolations. 騎士時期的LeBron主要是以外圍面框攻擊,球隊也常會清開一邊給他一對一攻擊 的機會。 Spoelstra regrets continuing that offense scheme when James joined the Heat. 說到這裡Spoelstra表示他很後悔讓LeBron來到熱火之後,還繼續讓LeBron用這 樣的攻擊模式。 “Thinking conventionally that first season with LeBron -- that was my biggest regret as a coach,” Spoelstra said. “I put LeBron in a box. And that ’s the worst thing I could have done.” Spoelstra 表示 : "認真的回想起LeBron在熱火的第一個球季 -- 那是我生涯 執教以來犯下最大的錯誤。是我親手將LeBron推向失敗的方向,這是我的錯"。 The Heat finally realized that James didn't fit the mold of a conventional small forward. 熱火終於發現LeBron在熱火體系下不適合打小前鋒。 “LeBron was a small forward, that’s what we knew,” Spoelstra said. “That was how we built and ran the team (in 2010-11). But after the Dallas series, we decided to start from scratch. Spoelstra 表示 : "當初我們對LeBron的了解就是他是小前鋒,這也是我們第 一年[2010-11]球隊主要圍繞的攻擊點。但是當我們在總冠軍戰面對小牛失利 之後,我們便下定決心打算砍掉再練"。 "We always talked about how versatile our team was, but we never thought about what it meant. We had to do away with convention." "我們常常會說這支球隊有多麼的多才多藝,但我們卻沒有很仔細的去研究"。 The Heat needed James to play bigger when Chris Bosh left the team on bereavement in March. 去年三月當Chris Bosh因為家裡因素離隊的時候,熱火向LeBron表示需要他 幫忙扛起禁區。 “We need you to play like a big man,” Spoelstra recalls telling James. “ Forget everything you know, you’re a 4 now.” Spoelstra回想起當時的情形,他向LeBron表示說 : "我們需要你在禁區,把你 之前知道的都忘了吧,從此刻起,你是個大前鋒"。 -- ▄◣ ██▉██◣██▉██▉█◣▉ ◢█ █▇ █▇▉█▇▉◥▉  K   ◥█ ██▉█▇▉█▇▉█◥◣██▉   ▆▆ █▉◢█◣██◣██▉◢██ ◣ ◢▆▃▁ ≡≡ ▃ ▉█▇▉█▇ ◥█◣ JAMES ███▅▅▄▄) (◥█▉█▇▉██◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: