精華區beta LeBronJames 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Source : http://0rz.tw/YFcwh LeBron focused on game, not his first ring 翻譯by巴拉圭 MIAMI -- If LeBron James gets emotional during Tuesday night’s ring ceremony, it’ll probably be a surprise to him. If you see him wearing it anytime soon, that’ll be a surprise, too. 邁阿密 -- 如果LeBron James在本季開賽的冠軍儀式中表現出激情的話,恐怕 連LeBron自己都會覺得很驚訝。 This is the third time in the past five years opening night has been a ring night for James. In 2008, he waited in the cramped visitors locker room at TD Garden in Boston as Paul Pierce wept on the floor where the Celtics ended James’ season five months earlier. 這是LeBron過去五年裡第三次參加了開幕賽冠軍儀式。2008年的時候開幕賽對 陣超賽時,LeBron當時就在客場休息室中眼睜睜看著超賽慶祝奪冠的喜悅,前 一年LeBron所領軍的騎士正是在東區季後賽敗在超賽手上。 Last Christmas, as Dirk Nowitzki got a little misty eyed as the Mavericks’ championship banner headed toward the ceiling in Dallas, James paced in a nearby hallway waiting to face another team that ended his season on the way to its celebration. 去年聖誕節時,Dirk Nowitzki眼光泛淚的看著冠軍旗幟升上達拉斯球場的當時, LeBron又要再次面對對手在自己面前慶祝。 After everything James has been through -- getting swept in his first Finals in 2007, failing to get back after being the No. 1 overall seed two years in a row in Cleveland in 2009 and 2010, blowing a Finals lead in 2011, being forced to hide from two ring ceremonies along the way -– it would seem logical that James would anticipate the Heat’s jewelry presentation as a cathartic release. It is a time when showing emotion is expected and even encouraged. LeBron在歷經了那麼多失敗 -- 2007年冠軍系列賽被剃光頭。接下來兩年雖然 球隊[騎士]在例行賽戰績都是聯盟第一,但是依然無法突破東區冠軍。2011年 冠軍戰面對小牛雖然有一度領先,但結果卻是令人失望。所以正常來說今年的 冠軍儀式LeBron應該會非常激動才是,畢竟這也是一種積壓多年的壓力得到釋 放的時候。 When he finished off the Oklahoma City Thunder in June with a triple-double in Game 5 of the Finals, the pure joy showed on James' face as he grasped the Larry O’Brien Trophy for the first time. The next morning he shared his “ pinch me” moment with his Twitter followers by declaring, “I think it just hit me. I am a CHAMPION. I AM A CHAMPION.” 上個賽季六月的冠軍戰第五戰當LeBron擊敗雷霆並拿下大三元的時候,LeBron 難掩興奮的心情一直在場邊邊跳著邊揮手。在拿到Larry O’Brien冠軍盃時, 他臉上的表情是多麼的滿足。隔天LeBron便在自己的推特上表示說 :"我覺得 我剛回到現實,我拿到了總冠軍,我是個Champion"。 Now, with the rival Celtics in town in a fitting reversal of the 2008 ring ceremony, all James can focus on is getting back and not looking back. It’s shown in his focus and his play throughout the Heat’s training camp and it was certainly showing in the way he’s approaching Tuesday’s pregame festivities. 但往日跟今日不同,今日換超賽來到邁阿密看著LeBron慶祝他的總冠軍。但 LeBron卻絲毫不肯大意,他認為現在球隊應該把重心放在衛冕,而非慶祝過 去。 “Winning it was what I dreamed of, I never dreamed of actually having the ring ceremony,” James said. “So I’m just like whatever. I think it’s going to be a special night and I’m going to be excited for it. But the game is what I’m more focused on than actually receiving the ring.” LeBron 表示 : "能奪下冠軍一直都是我的夢想,但我還沒真正去想過冠軍 儀式會是怎樣,不過這個應該沒差。這會是個很別的夜晚 ,我想我應該會很興奮。不過我比較在意今天比賽的內容 跟比賽的勝利。這都會來得比拿到冠軍戒還重要"。 James has said he wishes that the Heat could’ve had the ring ceremony on Monday so that it wouldn’t come before such a key early-season game. James is, of course, concerned about a team-wide letdown. The Heat were up by 35 points on the Mavericks on their ring night last year. The Heat themselves lost by 42 points on their ring night back in 2006-07 to the Chicago Bulls. But defending champs have actually won 10 of the past 13 years on ring night. James認為他是希望球隊可以先在比賽前一天慶祝冠軍儀式。他不希望這個 儀式去影響到比賽的內容,尤其在開賽又面對超賽這樣重要的比賽。James 這樣說也不是沒有道理,畢竟去年開幕賽熱火跟小牛的比賽熱火一度領先到 35分。2006-07賽季熱火開幕賽對陣公牛時被公牛痛宰42分。不過在過去13 年的開幕賽儀式冠軍隊也拿下10場勝利。 But James’ attitude on the matter is part of what seems like a concerted strategy to move on from last season. He doesn’t even seem like he’s going to spend much time examining his prize. LeBron的態度很明確,無非希望球隊可以把專注力放在這個新的賽季而不是 上個賽季。 “Do I look like the type of guy that would wear my ring every day? Nope.” James said. “It will be put up somewhere with the rest of my individual accolades. That’s a team thing. But I’m moving on.” LeBron 表示 : "我看起來像是會天天帶著我的冠軍戒的人嗎?不是。我會把戒指 收藏好。這都是團隊的功勞,我們是時候要向前看了"。 The “moving on” part is what has caught the attention of his opponents already in the young season. Even with Heat coach Erik Spoelstra trying to take it a little easier on him in the preseason after his summer playing with Team USA and the expected allowances for a deserved victory lap, James has been all business thus far. James has appeared in midseason form throughout the preseason and was routinely one of the last players on the court after practice, putting in work on new phases of his game, including a hook shot. 雖然總教練Eric Spoelstra希望能給LeBron多一些時間休息,畢竟LeBron才剛從 奧運回來不久,但LeBron還是參加了所有球隊該有的練習。每當球隊的練習結束 時,LeBron總還會留下來繼續加強自己的技術。休賽期間LeBron更加強了他的新 武器 -- 勾射。 “He’s more comfortable in his skin, and I think that’s what he is now,” Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. 超賽總教練Doc Rivers表示 : "他[LeBron]現在更適應了他在球隊的定位"。 "He’s got that off his back. He can breathe and play, which makes him better. He knows he can do it. He knows he can make big shots. He knows he can will a team. He had done it in the past. He just had never done it on a big stage. Now, he’s done it and so nothing changes for him. He’s still the guy that everybody is going after. It’s not like he wasn’t the target last year. He’s the same target. The target’s bigger.” "他終於順利登頂了把之前的壓力結除了。他終於可以好好的呼吸打球了。這樣 的他會更可怕。他現在知道他可以做到。他知道他可以在關鍵時刻進關鍵球了 。他也知道他可以帶領一支球隊。他過去可以,現在更加可以做到。他還是對 手球隊勘防的重點人物,之前是,現在更是"。 That may be so, but James seems oblivious to outside expectations now and numb to anything except focusing on being able to shrug off another ring night this time next year. James現在對於外界怎麼說他一點都不在意,他唯一在意的就是奪得下一個 總冠軍。 “Everybody has been gunning for us since I’ve come here, they’ve all gunned for us, so it doesn’t change,” James said. “For me, it’s just the start of a new year.” LeBron表示 : "自從我來到這裡,我們便一直被外界攻擊,這是不會停的。 對我來說,這將是全新的一季"。 -- ▄◣ ██▉██◣██▉██▉█◣▉ ◢█ █▇ █▇▉█▇▉◥▉  K   ◥█ ██▉█▇▉█▇▉█◥◣██▉   ▆▆ █▉◢█◣██◣██▉◢██ ◣ ◢▆▃▁ ≡≡ ▃ ▉█▇▉█▇ ◥█◣ JAMES ███▅▅▄▄) (◥█▉█▇▉██◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nctucch17170:又更強了~~ 10/31 11:13
Paraguay:對阿 LBJ每一年都在進化 現在比較擔心他的傷勢 10/31 11:16
nctucch17170:還好今天沒有上很久 應該是例行治療 希望完全體回來 10/31 11:21
like1259:他今天有受傷? 10/31 11:45
Paraguay:今天第四節應該是腳抽筋 問題應該不大 希望他能健康!! 10/31 12:14
WineVault:已臻化境~ 10/31 12:38
kart:是抽筋,不過他怎麼那麼容易抽筋 :/ 10/31 13:29
Paraguay:緊張吧XDDDDDDDD 10/31 18:08
amber75: 10/31 19:56