精華區beta LeeDongWook 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Actor Lee Dong Wook has wrapped up his mandatory military service! On June 20th, the actor was discharged from Yongsan’s Public Relations of Defense office after serving as a celebrity officer for the past 2 years. His fans had waited for his discharge since the early morning. He showed a surprised expression upon seeing the reporters and fans, and laughed while saying, “This is my first discharge so I don’t know what I’m doing.” He added, “Lee Jin Wook was my predecessor and when it was my time to be discharged, it felt somewhat weird. I was very nervous yesterday and barely fell asleep after 2AM. It doesn’t feel real yet. I don’t know how to describe this feeling but it’s nerve-wrecking and great.” The actor is set to film SBS’s “Scent of A Woman” right away after his discharge, without taking a well-deserved break. Source: Newsen (1)(2) via Nate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 新聞來源:http://tinyurl.com/43zu2y4 耶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~今天東旭退伍了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(灑花放煙火) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nht:恭喜啊~~~~~ wow 06/20 23:23
daisaimao:恭喜!終於退伍了, 等好久喔~~~~期待新作面世!! 06/21 12:31
whatsupmiao:恭喜!!!(灑花) 一出來就去拍海報了~~ 06/21 13:23
whatsupmiao:http://ppt.cc/O-WA http://ppt.cc/0KfJ 06/21 13:24
nht:哇... 一出來就拍婚紗照?! (看起來很像耶!!) 06/21 14:45
whatsupmiao:http://ppt.cc/2t7x (敬禮) 06/21 16:18
whatsupmiao:http://ppt.cc/R-9F (切蛋糕,有勾手耶~) 06/21 16:22
nht:哇~~ 所以是右手牽一個, 左手勾一個?? XDDD 06/21 19:10
pandalin:恭喜退伍!!!!!!!!!!好愛你噢!!!!!!!!! 06/21 21:47
emotion306:wow 06/24 01:59
emotion306:好瘦!!! 06/24 02:00
cutemidori:恭喜東旭退伍啦~~~也瘦的太快了吧!果然是明星XD 06/24 15:21